NRWG20 Event Descriptions

NRWG 20 Detailed Event Descriptions 

Virtual Topic Sponsor Sync Session: The Naval Research Working Group (NRWG) kicks off with the Topic Sponsor Sync Session. At this meeting, the Naval Research Program (NRP) staff will give an overview of the week's events, ensuring that sponsors know where they need to be and what they need to accomplish throughout the working group. There will also be a review of the expected output for the week, and questions will be answered. The primary purpose of the Sync Session is to ensure that sponsors are prepared for a successful week at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). All Topic Sponsors are requested to attend.

Virtual NPS Lab Tours\Capabilities BriefsNPS Lab tours are primarily an opportunity for Topic Sponsors to gain a more in depth understanding of the specific research capabilities at NPS. Faculty and students at NPS may also register for tours\briefs. Tours may be live, prerecorded or info briefing materials. 

Virtual Moderated Panels (MP): Moderated, 55-minute panel sessions for Topic Sponsors, faculty, and/or students to discuss key institutional priorities. Each session will begin with a 2-3 minute self-introduction of each panelist and their work followed by moderated discussion. Panel sessions will be recorded and posted to the the event schedule. Panel discussion will stimulate cross disciplinary interactions and collaboration within NPS and among Topic Sponsors. 

Virtual Engagement Sessions: Topic Sponsors, Faculty and/or students will have 25-55 minutes to present\brief their proposed research topics or current/past research, in a small audience format. 

Engagement Session Presenters: Topic slides generated on the NRP Topic Portal will be available for download and use by presenters. Alternately, presenters may choose to use their own presentation slide deck. If a presenter prefers to use their own slides please send them to the NRP at NLT April 17, 2020 (extended)

Virtual Social and Research Poster Session: Building on information gathered during the lab tours, the social and poster session is primarily an opportunity for our many Topic Sponsors to get a better idea of the breadth and depth of the research taking place at the Naval Postgraduate School. Our world-class faculty study the cutting-edge developments of operational Navies across the globe. Their research extends the reach of today's naval services, whether underwater, on the surface, in the air, or orbiting the earth. Participants can engage with poster presenters asynchronously via the Whova App.

Poster Session Presenters: All NPS faculty and student research projects, NRP funded or otherwise, are encouraged to participate as this effort is intended to help educate Topic Sponsors as to the many facets of NPS research capabilities. 

In order to participate we ask that poster submissions be submitted to the NRP ( using either the NRP poster template (required for all NRP specific projects) or one of the general NPS approved poster templates. (all file submissions must be received by April 17, 2020 (extended))

  • all submissions must be "Distribution A – Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited." and include this distro statement.
  • posters will be uploaded to a virtual gallery for NRWG 20.

Research Trade ShowTopic Sponsors will have 25-55 minutes to brief research opportunities, the benefit(s) to the Services, and expected deliverables from the research with NPS faculty and students. NPS faculty and students to schedule Virtual Breakout Sessions with sponsors during the tradeshow to discuss topics and begin scoping research to form an Initial Research Estimate Form (IREF)

Virtual Breakout Sessions: Breakout sessions provide settings where individual faculty or students can meet with Topic Sponsors to discuss topic requirements, begin writing IREFs, or stage IPRs of existing research. The ability to initiate topic dialogue is essential for understanding the challenges that organizations face and developing useful proposals to address them. Faculty and students are encouraged to schedule virtual sessions with Topic Sponsors to learn more about the problem, or even provide an initial solution if the researcher is already working on a similar problem. Likewise, Topic Sponsors are encouraged to reach out to faculty and students to discuss research needs. Attendees manage their own break-out session schedules.

Ways to Connect via the Whova Event App:

  • Say-Hi (Icebreaker In-App Message)
  • Message: Send an In-app Message
  • Message: Create a Private Group Chat
  • Use "Let's Meet" to Request a Meeting
  • Post a Topic of Interest to the Community Board
  • Post a Session Comment


Virtual In-progress Reviews (IPRs): Faculty members and students currently conducting research for sponsors who are in attendance during NRWG20 should coordinate In-progress Reviews via Meeting Scheduler "Let's Meet" in the Whova Event App and meet via Zoom or any other relevant virtual working spaces as they see fit. (Reminder: Quarterly IPRs with the topic customer are required. You may complete/conduct the IPR in the forum of your preference (i.e. in-person, tele-conference, etc.).  The communication details (report, PowerPoint slides, etc.) should be sent to the NRP Program Office,

Virtual Topic Sponsor Out-briefs and Hotwash: Research Topic Sponsor Out-briefs provide a formal opportunity for sponsors to give feedback of metric outcomes of the event to the NPS Dean of Research. The Hotwash is an informal discussion of the events suggestions for improvements. All Topic Sponsors are requested to attend.