
IRB Forms & Templates


NEW!  Read this first!!

As of 21 January 2019, new Federal, DoD, and DON Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) policies are in effect. The policy updates will immediately and substantially change the manner in which human subjects research activities are submitted, reviewed, approved, and conducted at NPS. These changes are intended to address and recognize evolving technologies that have impacted modern research activities, to account for new kinds of research that have been developed, and to facilitate the conduct of minimal risk research.

For those faculty, staff, and students who have already had their IRB protocols approved, these new policy updates will not impact their research.  These changes will only impact new research that begins after the 21 January implementation date and long-term protocols (which exceed one calendar year) that will be transitioned to the new policy requirements.

Choose the relevant tab below for the forms appropriate for your protocol.

Note:  If you are having issues with any of the PDF documents below, please download the files and open with Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Pro.



IRB Student Research Checklist

Students complete this checklist when writing their dissertation proposal, thesis proposal, or project plan. If student research involves any of the activities listed in the checklist a Human Subject Determination Request or IRB Initial Review Package must be completed and submitted to the IRB for review.

Human Subject Research Determination Request

Not sure if you are conducting human subjects research? Request a determination!


Initial Review Package (new research)

  1. Consolidated IRB Application (updated 28 Dec 2022)
  2. Scientific Review Form (updated 11 May 2021)
  3. Conflict of Interest Form (updated 22 Jan 2019)
  4. Standard Consent Form  (updated 27 Oct 2023)
  5. CITI Ethics Training Completion Report
  6. Recruitment script (if applicable, see Question 17 of IRB Application)
  7. All questionnaires, interview questions, or other materials to be used (if appropriate)
  8. Research proposal (student, SOW, funded)
  9. Organizational approval to conduct research from subjects command

Protocol Amendment Package (modify research)

  • Revise your initial protocol submission by completing parts 1 and 3.
  • Copy of any revised documents (consent form, data collection tools, recruitment script, etc.).
  • CITI Ethics Training Include completion Report for any additional researchers


Research Protocol Check-In

  • PI’s are required to complete a Research Protocol Check-in (RPC) and provide a status of the research at an interval determined by the IRB.  The check-in date is provided on the IRB approval letter. Complete by clicking this link: Research Protocol Check-in

Continuing Review Package (extend approval period)

  • Revise your initial protocol submission by completing parts 2 and 3.

Closing Research Protocol

Submit complete packages to the Human Research Protection Program Office through email at or in hard copy in Halligan Hall Room 206.

Human Subject Research Determination Request

Not sure if you are conducting human subjects research? Request a determination!


Initial Review Package (new research)

  1. IRB Application (updated 24 Mar 2017)
  2. Scientific Review Form (updated 8 Mar 2017)
  3. Conflict of Interest Form
  4. Consent document(s). One or more of the following:
  5. CITI Ethics Training Completion Report 
  6. Recruitment script (if appropriate, see Question 17 of IRB Application)
  7. All questionnaires, interview questions, or other materials to be used (if appropriate)
  8. Research proposal (student, SOW, funded)
  9. Organizational approval to conduct research from subjects command

Protocol Amendment Package (modify research)

  • Amendment Form (updated 28 Feb 2017)
  • Copy of any revised documents (consent form, data collection tools, recruitment script, etc.).
  • CITI Ethics Training and updated Conflict of Interest Form for any additional researchers

Continuing Review Package (extend approval period)

Closing Research Protocol

Submit complete packages to the Human Research Protection Program Office through email at or in hard copy in Halligan Hall Room 206.