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Faculty Profile Directory
Daniel Eisenberg
Assistant Professor
Operations Research
Phone: (831) 656-2358
Email: daniel.eisenberg@nps.edu
Website: http://faculty.nps.edu/deisenberg/
NPS Experience
- 2018 - current: Research Assistant Professor
Research Interests
Resilience analysis of island and military installation infrastructure systems. Focus on interdependent infrastructure modeling and vulnerability assessment.
Teaching Interests
NS4721 / OS4621 Critical Infrastructure Analysis and Defense
Scholarly Work
- Journal Articles
- Kim, Y., Eisenberg, D., Redman, C., & Chester, M, The Infrastructure Trolley Problem: Positioning Safe-to-fail Infrastructure for Climate Change Adaptation. Earth's Future.
- Sharkey, T., Nurre Pinkley, S., Eisenberg, D., & Alderson, D. L, (2020). In search of network resilience: An optimizationābased view. Networks, (77), 225-254.
- Eisenberg, D., Park, J., & Seager, T, (2020). Linking Cascading Failure Models and Organizational Networks to Manage Large-Scale Blackouts in South Korea. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 5(36).
- Alderson, D. L., Eisenberg, D., & Seager, T. P, (2019). Rethinking Resilience Analytics. Risk Analysis, 9(39), 1870-1844.
- Thomas, J. E., Eisenberg, D., Seager, T. P., & Fischer, E, (2019). A resilience engineering approach to integrating human and socio-technical system capacities and processes for national infrastructure resilience. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 1-25.
- Hollins, L. X., Eisenberg, D., & Seager, T. P, (2018). Risk and Resilience in the Oroville Dam. Infrastructures, 4(3).
- Eisenberg, D., Alderson, D. L., Kitsak, M., Ganin, A., & Linkov, I, (2018). Network Foundation for Command and Control (C2) Systems: Literature Review. IEEE Access, 1(6).
- Marklof, S., Chester, M., Eisenberg, D., Iwaniec, D., Ruddell, B. L., Davidson, C., Miller, T., Zimmerman, R., & Chang, H, (2018). Interdependent Infrastructure as Linked Social, Ecological, and Technological Systems (SETS) to Address Lock-In and Enhance Resilience. Earth's Future, (6).
- Thomas, J. E., Eisenberg, D., & Seager, T. P, (2018). Holistic Infrastructure Resilience Research Requires Multiple Perspectives, Not Just Multiple Disciplines. Infrastructures, 3(30), 1-18.
- Technical Reports
- Templeton, J. C., Alderson, D. L., Bunn, B. B., Eisenberg, D., Howard, A. R., & Nussbaum, D. A, Interdependent Infrastructure Resilience in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Preliminary Assessment.
- Discussants
- Eisenberg, D. (Co-Chair), INFORMS Conference on Security, "Resilience Track," Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, CA, United States. (February 1, 2020).
- Keynotes/Plenary Addresses
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Infrastructure Resilience Community of Practice, "Vulnerability and Resilience of Critical Infrastructure Systems on Islands and Installations," Sandia National Labs, Online. (September 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Energy Security in the Caucuses, "Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection and Resilience," US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Online. (August 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), INCOSE Critical Infrastructure Protection & Recovery Working Group, "The Four Horsemen of Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability," International Council on Systems Engineering, Online. (October 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), NPS Operations Research Seminar, "Rethinking (Big Data) Analytics for Critical Infrastructure Resilience," NPS Operations Research Department, CA, United States. (October 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), MORS Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Community of Practice, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics," Military Operations Research Society, Online. (August 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Coordinator/Organizer), WoodsTalk 2019, "WoodsTalk Workshop," Federal Emergency Management Agency, CA, United States. (April 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Panelist), Installation neXt, "Resilience lessons that can help us stay standing in the future," US Marine Corps Installation Command, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, HI, United States. (January 30, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Installation neXt, "What is Resilience?," US Marine Corps Installation Command, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, HI, United States. (January 29, 2019).
- Lectures
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), CHDS Radiological Emergency Preparedness Executive Education Program, "Expanding our National Vision of Resilience," Center for Homeland Defense and Security, Online. (March 1, 2021).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Critical Energy Infrastructure Planning Conference, "Critical Infrastructure Canvas," Online. (February 1, 2021).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Regional Energy Security Symposium, "Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection and Defense," Online, Azerbaijan. (August 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), NATO Energy Security Course, "Risk and Resilience in Energy Infrastructure Systems," NATO, Germany. (September 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Advanced Regional Energy Security Symposium, "Integrating Threat Evaluation Methods," Azerbaijan. (July 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Course, "Resilience and Surprise in Energy Infrastructure Systems," NATO-ICI Regional Centre, Kuwait. (March 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D., NATO Energy Security Strategic Awareness Course, "Risk and Resilience in Energy Infrastructure Systems," NATO Partnership for Peace, The NATO School, Germany. (September 26, 2018).
- Oral Presentations
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), RECESS Working Group, "Operational Resilience in the Presence of Climate Extremes and Surprises," Resource Conservation, Environmental Security, and Stability, Online. (February 1, 2021).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), FEMA Joint Recovery Office, "Operational Resilience and Recovery Support," Federal Emergency Management Agency, Online. (February 1, 2021).
- Eisenberg, D. (Chair), INCOSE International Workshop, "Critical Infrastructure Recovery & Protection Working Group," International Council on Systems Engineering, Online. (January 1, 2021).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, "Interdependent Infrastructure Analysis for Islands and Installations," Society for Risk Analysis, Online. (December 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), USVI Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Planning Workship, "Plan for Tomorrow: Critical Infrastructure Risk and Resilience in the USVI," Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency, Online. (November 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), STAR-TIDES, "Vulnerability and Resilience of Energy Infrastructure Systems on Islands and Installations," George Mason University, Online. (October 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), FEMA Joint Recovery Office, "Operational Resilience and Recovery Support: Federal Partners Overview," Federal Emergency Management Agency, Online. (September 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Military Operations Research Society Annual Symposium, "Vulnerability and Resilience of Critical Infrastructure in the US Virgin Islands," Military Operations Research Society, Online. (June 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Theory into Practice Invitational Semianr, "Redesign of OS4621: Critical Infrastructure Analysis & Defense," NPS Office of Teaching and Learning, Online. (June 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Theory into Practice Invitational Series, "Redesign of OS4621: Critical Infrastructure Analysis & Defense," NPS Office of Teaching and Learning, Online. (May 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), FEMA Joint Recovery Office, "Operational Resilience and Recovery Support: Capacity Building in the US Virgin Islands," Federal Emergency Management Agency. (February 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), FEMA Joint Recovery Office, "Operational Resilience and Recovery Support: Capacity Building Meeting 2," Federal Emergency Management Agency. (February 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Coordinator/Organizer), INCOSE International Workshop 2020, "Critical Infrastructure Protection & Recovery Working Group," International Council on Systems Engineering, CA, United States. (January 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), FEMA Joint Recovery Office, "Operational Resilience and Capacity Building in the US Virgin Islands," Federal Emergency Management Agency. (September 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), SAMSI Games, Decisions, Risk, & Reliability Workshop, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics," The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, North Carolina State University, NC, United States. (August 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), NPS Defense Energy Seminar, "Critical Energy Infrastructure Vulnerability: Reliability, Risk, Adversaries, and Surprises," NPS Energy Academic Group. (July 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Military Operations Research Society Annual Sympsoium, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics," Military Operations Research Society, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO, United States. (June 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D., Military Operations Research Society Annual Symposium, "Resilient Islands and Installations: Interdependent Infrastructure in the US Virgin Islands," Military Operations Research Society, U.S. Air Force Academy, CO, United States. (June 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Resilience Engineering Association Symposium, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics," Resilience Engineering Association, Sweden. (June 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Resilience Engineering Association Symposium, "What's wrong with the critical functionality curve for resilience?," Resilience Engineering Association, Sweden. (June 1, 2019).
- Eisenberg, D. (Author & Presenter), Alderson, D. L. (Author), & Seager, T. P. (Author), Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics for Cyber-Physical-Social Networks," Society for Risk Analysis, Marriot New Orleans, LA, United States. (December 4, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D., SERDP ESTCP Symposium, "Assessing and Improving the Operational Resilience of Critical Infrastructures and Missions," SERDP ESTCP, United States. (November 28, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D., Defense Energy Seminar Series, "Achieving Resilient Power Systems through Resilient Operations, not Robust Designs," Energy Academic Grop, Naval Postgraduate School, CA, United States. (November 16, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D. (Author & Presenter), Alderson, D. L. (Author), & Seager, T. P. (Author), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics," INFORMS, Phoenix Convention Center, AZ, United States. (November 5, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D. (Author & Presenter), Alderson, D. L. (Author), & Templeton, J. C. (Author), INFORMS Annual Meeting, "Operational Resilience of Water and Power Systems in the US Virgin Islands," INFORMS, Phoenix Convention Center, AZ, United States. (November 5, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D. (Author & Presenter), Alderson, D. L. (Author), & Seager, T. P. (Author), INFORMS Data Mining & Decision Analytics, "Rethinking Resilience Analytics," INFORMS, Phoenix Convention Center, AZ, United States. (November 3, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D., Collaborative Resilience (CoRe) Concept Workshop, "Assessing and Improving the Resilience of Critical Infrastructures and Missions," NATO ACT, NATO Crisis Response and Disaster Management Center of Excellence, Bulgaria. (September 11, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D. (Author & Presenter), & Thomas, J. E. (Author), Resilience Week, "How governance and decentralized applications can impact the resilience and sustainability of electric power systems with embedded blockchain technologies," Department of Energy, Idaho National Lab, IEEE, CO, United States. (August 22, 2018).
- Eisenberg, D. (Author & Presenter), Alderson, D. L. (Author), & Seager, T. P. (Author), Resilience Week 2018, "What's Wrong with the Critical Functionality Curve for Resilience," Department of Energy, Idaho National Lab, IEEE, CO, United States. (August 21, 2018).
- Alderson, D. L. (Author & Presenter), Eisenberg, D. (Author), & Seager, T. (Author), Resilience Week 2018, "The Nature of Surprise," CO, United States. (August 21, 2018).
- Technical Reviews
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), SERDP Technical Review Board, "SERDP Technical Advisory Board Review," OSD Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program, DC, United States. (September 1, 2019).
- Workshops
- Eisenberg, D. (Panelist), Resilience Week, "Does the Oroville Dam Spillway event reveal the same patterns about resilience and safety as the NASA Space Station event?," Department of Energy, Idaho National Lab, IEEE, CO, United States. (August 20, 2018).
- Posters
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), SERDP ESTCP Annual Symposium, "Modeling Compound Threats to Interdependent Infrastructure on Military Installations," OSD Strategic Environmental Research & Development Program, Online. (December 1, 2020).
- Eisenberg, D. (Presenter), Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, "Managing Surprise in Infrastructure Systems," Society for Risk Analysis, Online. (December 1, 2020).