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Daniel Reich

Assistant Professor
Operations Research

Phone: (831) 656-2860


Daniel Reich joined the faculty at the Naval Postgraduate School as a tenure track assistant professor in September 2018, prior to which he spent seven years at Ford Motor Company. He joined Ford’s Research and Advanced Engineering division as an operations research analyst. Daniel was later nominated for a rotational leadership program, through which he held managerial positions in manufacturing, marketing, product planning, and information technology. He was then promoted to an analytics group manager. During his years at Ford, Daniel published several peer-reviewed articles, was awarded patents, trade secrets, internal and external technical awards, and received multiple community awards for service. Daniel holds a BS from Columbia University in New York and a PhD in applied mathematics from the University of Arizona, after which he spent two years as a visiting research assistant professor at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez School of Business in Santiago, Chile.
NPS Experience
  • 2018 - current: Assistant Professor
Other Experience
  • 2011 - 2018 Multiple Positions, Ford Motor Company
  • 2009 - 2011 Visiting Assistant Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
  • 2008 - 2008 Intern, Target Corporation
Research Interests
I have a wide range of interests and a strong desire to collaborate on problems in service of the DoD. Over time, I have developed domain knowledge in the application areas of manufacturing, marketing, product development and sustainability. Methodologically, I have focused on mathematical programming, computationally tractable heuristics, simulation and stochastic optimization methods.
Teaching Interests
Analytics, mathematical modeling, statistics, computer programming, software tools, case studies


  • 2022 - Volunteer Service Award, INFORMS
  • 2021 - Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Finalist, INFORMS
  • 2020 - Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Semifinalist, INFORMS
  • 2016 - Volunteer Service Award, INFORMS
  • 2015 - Daniel H. Wagner Prize Finalist, INFORMS
  • 2015 - Moving Spirit Award, INFORMS
  • 2014 - Ford Technical Achievement Award, Ford Motor Company
  • 2014 - Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Finalist (2nd Place), INFORMS
  • 2013 - 2013 ICORES Best Application Paper Award, International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
  • 2012 - Innovative Applications in Analytics Award Semi-Finalist, INFORMS
  • 2009 - Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, University of Arizona

Scholarly Work

  • Conference Proceedings
  • Reich, D., & Lewis, I. A, (2020). Optimizing sustainment logistics for a U.S. Army infantry brigade combat team with integer programming.
  • Gusikhin, O., Jin, X., Klampfl, E., Reich, D., & Visintainer, R, (2013). Dynamic modeling of operator overload conditions in mixed model automotive assembly.
  • Winkler, S., Reich, D., Klampfl, E., & Wallington, T, (2013). How to make your fleet more sustainable and save money: The Ford Fleet Purchase Planner.
  • Reich, D., Winkler, S. L., & Klampfl, E, (2013). The Pareto frontier for vehicle fleet purchases - cost versus sustainability.
  • Journal Articles
  • Reich, D., & Frye, L, (2024). Microgrid Planner: an open-source software platform. INFORMS Journal on Computing.
  • Reich, D., & Sanchez, S. M, (2023). Sensitivity analysis of hybrid microgrids with application to deployed military units. Naval Research Logistics.
  • Muir, W. A., & Reich, D, (2021). Using machine learning to improve public reporting on U.S. government contracts. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics.
  • Reich, D., & Oriti, G, (2021). Rightsizing the design of a hybrid microgrid. Energies, 14(14), 4273.
  • Reich, D., Lewis, I. A., Winkler, A. A., Leichty, B., & Bobzin, L. B, (2020). A framework for optimizing sustainment logistics for a U.S. Army infantry brigade combat team. Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics.
  • Shi, Y., Reich, D., Epelman, M., Klampfl, E., & Cohn, A, (2017). An analytical approach to prototype vehicle test scheduling. Omega, (67), 168--176.
  • Reich, D., Shi, Y., Epelman, M., Cohn, A., Barnes, E., Arthurs, K., & Klampfl, E, (2016). Scheduling crash tests at Ford Motor Company. Interfaces, 5(46), 409--423.
  • Reich, D., Winkler, S. L., Klampfl, E., & Olson, N, (2015). Ford Uses analytics to help fleet customers buy more sustainable vehicles. Interfaces, 6(45), 543--553.
  • Reich, D, (2013). A linear programming approach for linear programs with probabilistic constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 3(230), 487--494.
  • Pagnoncelli, B. K., Reich, D., & Campi, M. C, (2012). Risk-return trade-off with the scenario approach in practice: a case study in portfolio selection. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2(155), 707--722.
  • Reich, D., & Lopes, L, (2011). Preprocessing stochastic shortest-path problems with application to PERT activity networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 3(23), 460--469.
  • Reich, D., & Lopes, L, (2011). The most likely path on series-parallel networks. Networks, 1(58), 68--80.
  • Technical Reports
  • Seagren, C. W., Reich, D., Bacolod, M., & Das, A, (2022). USMC manpower models modernization.
  • Reich, D., Hauser, M. M., & Marshall, J, (2022). Navy expeditionary readiness cost modeling.
  • Patents
  • Reich, D., Gusikhin, O., Klampfl, E., McGee, R., MacNeille, P. "System and Method For Vehicle Routing Using Stochastic Optimization" 9587954
  • Reich, D., Klampfl, E., Barnes, E., Hammoud, H. "Test Scheduling" EP2765518