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Edward Michael Corrado

Associate University Librarian

Phone: (831) 656-2975


Edward M. Corrado is Associate University Librarian at the Naval Postgraduate School. He is a librarian, administrator, academic, and information technology expert who co-authored the book Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), now in its second edition. He has published articles and presented nationally and internationally on various topics including digital preservation, cloud computing, open-source software, metadata, and emerging technologies in libraries. He previously worked as the Associate Dean of Library Technology Planning and Policy at the University of Alabama and the Director of Library Technology at Binghamton University.
NPS Experience
  • 2017 - current: Associate University Librarian
Research Interests
digital preservation, data curation, open source software, metadata, reproducibility of research, bibliometrics

Scholarly Work

  • Books
  • Corrado, E. M., & Moulaison Sandy, H. M, (2017). Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums (2nd edition) Lanham, Md. United States: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Keynotes/Plenary Addresses
  • Corrado, E. M. (Presenter), & Moulaison Sandy, H. (Presenter), Images: Digitization and Preservation of Special Collections in Libraries, Museums, and Archive (NISO Virtual Conference), "Establishing the Landscape," National Information Standards Organization (NISO), Virtual. (June 14, 2017).
  • Oral Presentations
  • Corrado, E. M. (Presenter), & DeMatteo, S. (Presenter), Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) 2018 conference, "Network-enabled digital preservation," Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC), Hyatt Regency Monterey, CA, United States. (March 5, 2018).
  • Moulaison Sandy, H. (Leader), Mitchell, E. (Panelist), Corrado, E. M. (Panelist), Budd, J. (Panelist), West, J. D. (Panelist), Bossaller, J. (Panelist), & VanScoy, A. (Panelist), 80th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), "Making a case for open research: Implications for reproducibility and transparency," Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Hyatt Regency Crystal City, VA, United States. (October 31, 2017).