NPS - Faculty Profiles - Heading
Faculty Profile Directory
NPS Experience
- 2019 - current: Professor
- 2010 - 2019: Associate Professor
Scholarly Work
- Book Chapters
- Dew, N., & Augier, M. E, (2018). A Behavioral (Simonian) Perspective on (Behavioral) Strategic Management Research.
- Augier, M. E., & Guo, J. M, (2017). The Evolutionary Nature of Innovation and Disruptive Change: The Interrelatedness of Technology, Leadership and Organizations.
- Augier, M. E., & Guo, J. M, (2016). Overcoming Negative Leadership Challenges through We-Leadership. Canadian Defense Academy Press.
- Journal Articles
- Augier, M. E., & Dew, N, (2018). Understanding some Pitfalls in the Strategic Foresight Processes: The Case of the Hungarian Ministry of Defense. Futures.
- Augier, M. E., Dew, N., Knudsen, T., & Stiglitz, N, (2018). Organizational persistence in the use of war gaming and scenario planning. Long Range Planning.
- Augier, M. E., & Andrew, M, (2017). The Fog of Strategy. Comparative Strategy, 4(Vol 36), 275-292.
- Augier, M. E., Guo, J. M., & Rowen, H, (2016). The Needham Puzzle Reconsidered: Organization, Organizations and Innovation in China. Management and Organization Review, 1(12), 5-24.
- Augier, M. E, (2015). The Power of Little ideas. Journal of Management Inquiry, 3(24).
- Augier, M. E., March, J. G., & Marshall, A, (2015). The Flaring of intellectual outliers. Organization Science, 4(26), 1140-1162.
- Augier, M. E., McNab, R. M., Guo, J. M., & Karber, P, (2015). Defense spending and economic growth: evidence from China, 1952–2012. Defence and Peace Economics, 1–26.