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Ying Zhao

Research Professor
Information Sciences

Phone: (831) 656-3789


Dr. Ying Zhao is a research professor at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and frequent contributor to DoD forums on knowledge management and data sciences. Her research and numerous professional papers are focused on knowledge management approaches, such as data/text mining; Big Data analytics; deep models, such as lexical link analysis (LLA) and collaborative learning agents (CLA); machine learning (ML); and artificial intelligence (AI) methods, such as reinforcement learning for search, visualization, and large-scale cognitive modeling for decision-making. Since joining NPS, Dr. Zhao has been a principal investigator (PI) on 21 contracts awarded for DoD research projects. Dr. Zhao is a co-author of four U.S. patents in knowledge pattern search from networked agents, data fusion, and visualization for multiple anomaly detection systems. She received her PhD in mathematics from MIT and is a co-founder of Quantum Intelligence, Inc.
NPS Experience
  • 2009 - current: Research Professor
Other Experience
  • 2001 - 2009 Co-founder, Quantum Intelligence, Inc.,PO Box 8638, Monterey, CA 93943
  • 1999 - 2001 Blue Martini
  • 1996 - 1999 Senior Analyst, IBM
  • 1992 - 1996 BBN
Research Interests
Big data
deep learning, machine learning,artificial intelligence,
collaborative learning agents,quantum Intelligence
data, text and information mining,pattern recognition
,lexical link analysis,social network analysis,agent learning, search, visualization


  • 2014 - Certification of Completion, BigData TechCon 2014 Boston
  • 2012 - Certification of Recognition, Information Sciences Department, Naval Postgraduate School
  • 2006 - Certification of Recognition of Small Business Innovation Research Program, Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research
  • 2005 - Special Commendation for Outstanding Achievement in the Development of Bio-Spice Technology, Defense Advanced Research Program Agency, Information Processing Technology Office

Boards, Memberships, & Certifications

Professional Memberships
  • 2011 The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
  • 1992 IEEE Computer Society
  • 1992 Lifetime membership, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

Scholarly Work

  • Book Chapters
  • Zhao, Y, (2019). Collaborative learning agents (CLA) for swarm intelligence and applications to health monitoring of system of systems.
  • Zhao, Y., & Zhou, C, (2017). System Self-Awareness Towards Deep Learning and Discovering High-Value Information. Edited by: Joaquim Filipe Publisher: SCITEPRESSSCITEPRESS.
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Zhao, Y, (2020). Leverage Artificial Intelligence to Learn, Optimize, and Win (LAILOW) for the Marine maintenance and supply complex system.
  • Zhao, Y, (2019). Causal learning in modeling multi-segment war game leveraging machine intelligence with EVE structures.
  • Zhao, Y, (2019). Visualization techniques for network analysis and link analysis.
  • Zhao, Y, (2018). Continual and real-time learning for modeling combat identification in a tactical environment.
  • Zhao, Y, (2018). Big data and deep learning models for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B)
  • Zhao, Y, (2017). A Framework Using Machine Vision and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-learning Moving Objects in a Virtual Environment.
  • Zhao, Y, (2017). Analysis of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Data.
  • Zhao, Y, (2017). Big Data and Deep Learning Analytics for Improving Combat ID: Evidence and Potentials.
  • Zhao, Y, (2017). Reinforcement Learning for Modeling Large-Scale Cognitive Reasoning.
  • Zhao, Y, (2017). Using D3 to Visualize Lexical Link Analysis (LLA) and ADS-B Data.