Intellectual Contributions - Uploading records that already exist - FAIRS Questions - Academic Affairs
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Intellectual Contributions - Uploading records that already exist
Laura L Dippold, modified 8 Years ago.
Intellectual Contributions - Uploading records that already exist
Padawan Posts: 44 Join Date: 3/13/13 Recent Posts
What if there is already a version of the record when you import a BibTeX file?
Laura L Dippold, modified 8 Years ago.
RE: Intellectual Contributions - Uploading records that already exist (Answer)
Padawan Posts: 44 Join Date: 3/13/13 Recent Posts
When records are uploaded to the Intellectual Contributions screen FAIRS will check the author names to see if they match anyone at NPS, as well as checking to see if there are any similar records already uploaded. You will be asked if you want to update the original record or add a new one.