Anti-Terrorism - Base Police
Categories of Information
There are six categories of information that may indicate pre-operational terrorist activity. Individuals must know to observe and report the following:
- SPECIFIC THREATS. Report any threats received by any means that contain a specific time, location, or area for an attack against US forces. This may include any event or incident that indicates a potential threat to US forces, facilities or mission.
- SURVEILLANCE. Report any attempt to record information or use unusual means to monitor activities. Examples of surveillance include use of cameras (still or video), note taking, annotated maps or drawings, or use of binoculars.
- ELICITATION. Report any attempt to obtain security related information by personnel not having an appropriate clearance or need to know. Queries can be in many forms, including by mail, fax, telephone, or in person. Documents that are “For Official Use Only” such as recall or alert rosters fall into this category. Do not divulge this information to personnel except on a need to know basis.
- TESTS OF SECURITY. Report any attempt to measure security reaction times. Examples of security tests include penetration of physical security barriers, testing of base-entry procedures, and attempting to acquire duplicate uniforms, badges, or passes.
- REPETITIVE ACTIVITIES. Report any activity observed or repeated two or more times within a one-month period. Examples include activities by the same person or same vehicle, or multiple requests for the same information (classified or unclassified).
- SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITIES OR INTERESTS. Report any incident that does not fall in a specific category but is suspicious in nature. Examples include thefts of material that could be used to manufacture false identification cards or badges, missing documents, or evidence of tampering.
Observe and Report: The Do's and Don'ts
- Unusual or suspicious activity or suspected surveillance
- Unusual questions or requests for information relating to capabilities, limitations or operational information
- Unusual vehicles operating in or around the installation
- Unusual phone calls, messages or emails
- Unusual contacts on or off post
- Unusual aerial activity near or around installation
- Any possible compromise of sensitive information
- Discuss any aspect of military operations or planning
- Talk about military capabilities or limitations
- Discuss force protection measures, capabilities or posture
- Disclose any information related to unit deployments
Report Any Suspicious Activity Immediately - Your Call May Save Lives!
Photography on Military Installations is Prohibited Per DoD instruction 5200.08, "security of DoD installations and resources," 10 Dec 05, it is DoD policy that DoD installations, property, and personnel shall be protected and that applicable laws and regulations shall be enforced.
Commanders have the responsibility and authority (under 50 U.S. code 797) to enforce appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of DoD property and personnel assigned, attached, or subject to their command. Guidelines for such security measures are contained in DODI 5200.08 and DoD 5200.08-r, "physical security program," 9 Apr 07. Under 50 USC 797, it is a misdemeanor crime to violate defense property security regulations.
It is a crime under 18 USC 795 to photograph defense installations without first obtaining the permission of the commanding officer of the military installation. It is also a crime under 18 USC 797 to reproduce, publish, sell or give away any photograph, picture or graphic representation of a defense installation without first obtaining the permission of the commanding officer of the military installation. Finally, 18 USC 1382 makes it a crime to enter a military installation for any purpose prohibited by law or lawful regulation.
Call NSA-Monterey PD 656-2555 or POM PD, 242-7851/7852