Welcome - AI Group
Welcome to the AI Group
In response to the Department of the Navy’s strategic concerns around AI, and for advanced AI development, the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) is integrating the ongoing efforts of researchers and students involved in over 100 current projects with a unique consortium focused solely on AI applications. Through the university’s education and thesis research initiatives, NPS students will be primary agents translating AI into naval operations, bringing new technology into their respective fields of study, promoting trustworthy AI technologies and instructing others on their use. Through partnerships on NPS current projects and with other institutions, NPS students and researchers will advance discovery and establish new channels and methods that influence the rapid adoption of AI technologies.
"Humanity is at the edge of a revolution driven by artificial intelligence... This revolution is unstoppable. Attempts to halt it would cede the future to that element of humanity more courageous in facing the implications of its own inventiveness. Instead, we should accept that AI is bound to become increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous, and ask ourselves: How will its evolution affect human perception, cognition and interaction? What will be its impact on our culture and, in the end, our history?”
Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher
The Atlantic • August 2019