Transitioning Advanced Manufacturing Research and Education into Warfighter Capabilities

CAMRE delivers results to the warfighter by:

  • Publishing research on advanced manufacturing equipment and processes
  • Delivering education and certifications on metal, polymer and composite additive manufacturing production to the operating forces
  • Validating concepts for distributed manufacturing during contested logistics
  • Enhancing operational exercises with capabilities, training and concepts
  • Providing engineering services for advanced manufacturing projects
  • Shaping advanced manufacturing infrastructure standards for facilities and vessels

We have the knowledge, personnel and network to harden the supply system during contested logistics environments to increase readiness for our forces


Contact Us to request support for engineering services, parts production or technical support for all your advanced manufacturing needs.


Submit your proposal for a funding request. Learn more on our Proposals page.


Leverage the on-site facilities and faculty to turn your concept into reality.

CAMRE maintains a persistent search for emerging technologies across the commercial and defense landscapes to deliver the most impactful expertise to the operating forces. Before you start your next project, consult with our team to optimize your results.