
MP Tutorial

MP Tutorial

This self-paced tutorial for MP version 3.5 is the one to take for homework assigned by your instructor.

Please set aside about 1.5 hours total for viewing the videos, including necessary pauses to work through the examples. The tutorial need not be completed all in one sitting, but we recommend completing the parts over at most a few days (e.g., one part per day is fine).

***When you are finished, you may save your model (Export > Code). It will save to your downloads folder, desktop, or other location you have specified in your browser.***

Use the following links to access the narrated MP Video Tutorials. Note: if the links do not work straight away, first go to, log in with your NPS credentials and then click on the links.


Here is the downloadable tutorial slide package used in the videos. 

Download Abridged Tutorial

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