
Distinguished Alumni Award Program

The NPS Distinguished Alumni Award Program recognizes an alumnus/alumna of the Naval Postgraduate School who has made a distinguished contribution to a branch of learning associated with national security, has rendered distinguished service to some aspect of national security, or has made a distinguished professional achievement which reflects great credit on the recipient and NPS.


  • GEN Keith Alexander, USA (Presented Sept. 24, 2010)
  • ADM Stanley Arthur, USN (Ret) (Presented Apr. 17, 2003)
  • COL Walter H. Augustin, USMC (Ret) (Presented Jan. 25, 2012)
  • CAPT Jeffrey Bacon, USN (Ret) (Presented Oct. 14, 2006)
  • VADM Roger F. Bacon, USN (Ret) (Presented July 1, 2006)
  • VADM Phillip Balisle, USN
  • Arthur H. Barber, III (Presented Feb. 25, 2013)
  • VADM John T. "Terry" Blake, USN (Ret) (Presented Sept. 7, 2017)
  • RADM Stanley Bozin, USN (Presented Mar. 2, 2006)
  • RADM Michael A. Brown, USN (Presented July 13, 2006)
  • VADM Nancy E. Brown, USN (Presented Mar. 5, 2007)
  • VADM Richard Brown, USN (Ret) (Presented Oct. 1, 2020)
  • VADM William A. Brown, USN (Presented May 2, 2017)
  • CAPT Daniel W. Bursch, USN (Ret) (Presented May 29, 2006)
  • CAPT Todd Calhoun, USMC (Ret) (Presented July 25, 2012)
  • VADM Arthur Cebrowski, USN (Presented Jan. 13, 2003)
  • CDR Sandra K. Chachula, USN (Ret) (Presented Sept. 1, 2006)
  • Professor Lui Pao Chuen (Presented Mar. 29, 2002)
  • RDML Philip J. Coady Jr., USN (Ret) (Presented Mar. 27, 2006)
  • RADM Dan W. Davenport, USN (Presented June 8, 2006)
  • RDML Patrick W. Dunne, USN
  • CMDR Gordon Eubanks, USN (Ret) (Presented June 15, 2012)
  • VADM Mark E. Ferguson, III, USN (Presented Dec. 19, 2008)
  • CAPT Stephen Frick, USN (Presented Aug. 6, 2009)
  • RADM William J. Galinis, USN (Presented May 9, 2018)
  • CAPT Victor J. Glover, USN (Presented May 12, 2022)
  • RADM James B Greene Jr., USN (Ret) (Presented May 17, 2006)
  • VADM Lee F. Gunn, USN (Ret) (Presented Apr. 18, 2006)
  • RADM Charles S. Hamilton II, USN (Presented May 17, 2006)
  • ADM Cecil D. Haney, USN (Presented Apr. 28, 2012)
  • LTG David K. Heebner, USA (Ret) (Presented Aug. 13, 2014)
  • RADM Elizabeth A. Hight, USN
  • RADM Jon A. Hill, USN (Presented May 9, 2018)
  • COL David Hilmers, USMC (Ret) (Presented Aug. 6, 2009)
  • Ambassador Mr. Loro Horta of Timor-Leste (Presented Sept. 7 2023)
  • CAPT Sam Houston, USN (Ret) (Presented Jan. 14, 2006)
  • VADM P. Gardner Howe III, USN (Presented Sept. 21, 2018)
  • Singapore Army Col. Ong Cher Howe (Presented Sept. 7 2023)
  • VADM Thomas J. Hughes, USN (Ret) (Presented May 28, 2007)
  • CAPT Wayne P. Hughes, Jr., USN (Ret) (Presented May 29, 2006)
  • VADM Harvey E. Johnson, Jr., USCG (Ret) (Presented May 11, 2006)
  • RADM John M. Kelly, USN (Presented May 23, 2006)
  • Royal Thai Army Lt. Gen. Wiphusana Klaimanee (Presented Sept. 7 2023)
  • LtGen Richard S. Kramlich, USMC (Presented Nov. 11, 2006)
  • RADM William Landay III, USN (Presented Feb. 16, 2006)
  • LCDR Marvin Langston, USN (Ret) (Presented Aug. 24, 2010)
  • Chief Cathy Lanier (Ret), Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Dept. (Presented Dec. 15, 2017)
  • CAPT Donald M. Layton, USN (Ret) (Presented Nov. 22, 2006)
  • LtGen Chan Lee, ROKAF (Presented Sept. 20, 2006)
  • RADM Michael A. LeFever, USN (Presented May 30, 2006)
  • VADM David H. Lewis, USN (Presented Mar. 27, 2016)
  • RADM Richard Lewis, USN (Presented Mar. 27, 2016)
  • VADM Keith W. Lippert, USN (Presented July 7, 2006)
  • CAPT Michael Lopez-Alegria, USN (Presented Nov. 15, 2007)
  • Hon. Michael D. Lumpkin (Presented Mar. 26, 2015)


  • RADM Archer M. Macy, Jr., USN (Presented Jan. 31, 2006)
  • VADM Dr. Desi Albert Mamahit, Indonesian Navy (Presented Aug. 25, 2014)
  • Sri Lankan Army Maj. Gen. Nishantha Manage (Presented Sept. 7 2023)
  • RADM Michael Mathis, USN (Ret) (Presented May 25, 2012)
  • VADM Justin McCarthy SC, USN (Presented Feb. 7, 2006)
  • RDML Timothy J. McGee, USN (Presented May 11, 2006)
  • ADM William McRaven, USN (Presented June 7, 2012)
  • RADM Wayne Meyer, USN (Presented May 28, 2002)
  • VADM Michael Mullen, USN (Presented Sept. 27, 2002)
  • VADM John B. Mustin, USN (Presented Mar. 24, 2023)
  • ADM Robert J. Natter, USN (Ret) (Presented Aug. 21, 2018)
  • RADM Doug Noble, USN (Presented Feb. 8, 2023)
  • LtCol Carlos Noriega, USMC (Ret) (Presented Aug. 6, 2009)
  • ADM Eric T. Olson, USN (Presented Sept. 4, 2008)
  • LTG Paul A. Ostrowski, USA (Presented Mar. 23, 2020)
  • ADM Samuel Paparo, USN (Presented Oct. 18, 2021)
  • Dr. Michael A. Parker, USAF (Presented Jan. 11, 2018)
  • CAPT Alan Poindexter, USN (Presented Aug. 6, 2009)
  • VADM John Scott Redd, USN, (Ret) (Presented June 21, 2011)
  • CAPT Kenneth Reightler, Jr., USN (Ret) (Presented Aug. 6, 2009)
  • LtGen Ansgar Rieks, German Air Force (Presented Aug. 13, 2019)
  • The Honorable James Roche, Captain, USN (Ret) (Presented Sept. 27, 2001)
  • VADM Marcelo Barreto Rodrigues, Brazilian Navy (Presented Aug. 9, 2018)
  • Philippine Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Arturo G. Rojas (Presented Sept. 7 2023)
  • RADM Conrad J. Rorie, USN (Ret) (Presented Oct. 31, 2007)
  • RADM Kurt Rothenhaus, USN, Ph.D. (Presented Dec. 15, 2023)
  • VADM Ronald A. Route, USN (Ret) (Presented Jan. 29, 2019)
  • VADM Almir Garnier Santos, Federal Republic of Brazil Navy (Presented Aug. 7, 2014)
  • CDR Carter "Buzz" Savage, USN (Ret) (Presented June 11, 2010)
  • CAPT Dylan Schmorrow, USN (Presented July 26, 2012)
  • CAPT Winston Scott, USN (Ret) (Presented Aug. 6, 2009)
  • RADM Kenneth Slaght, USN (Presented Mar. 19, 2002)
  • RDML Peter G. Stamatopoulous, USN (Presented Feb. 26, 2019)
  • VADM Stanley Szemborski, USN (Presented Feb. 7, 2006)
  • RDML (Sel) Jan Tighe, USN (Presented Sept. 24, 2010)
  • VADM Patricia A. Tracey, USN (Ret) (Presented Mar. 21, 2006)
  • BRIG GEN Alice Trevino, USAF (Presented Feb. 7, 2019)
  • LTG Thomas R. Turner, USA (Presented Dec. 19, 2008)
  • VADM Scott R. Van Buskirk, USN (Ret) (Presented April 19, 2018)
  • MG Michael A. Vane, USA (Presented Sept. 12, 2006)
  • VADM Michael C. Vitale, USN (Ret) (Presented Aug. 11, 2015)
  • MG Kirk F. Vollmecke, USA (Presented May 10, 2018)
  • GEN William S. Wallace, USA (Presented Mar. 23, 2007)
  • LTG Eric P. Wendt, USA (Presented May 31, 2018)
  • The Honorable Thomas White, Secretary of the Army (Presented Sept. 27, 2001)
  • COL Jeff Williams, USA (Ret) (Presented Apr. 3, 2008)
  • LTG Michael E. Williamson, USA (Ret) (Presented May 11, 2023)
  • RDML Jesse A. Wilson Jr., USN (Presented June 19, 2018)
  • RADM Edward Winters III, USN (Presented Mar. 14, 2011)
  • CHDS Director Glen Woodbury (Presented Sept. 7 2023)
  • The Honorable Robert O. Work, Deputy Secretary of Defense (Presented June 19, 2015)
  • CAPT Janice Wynn, USN (Presented Dec. 17, 2010)
  • CAPT John A. Zangardi, USN (Ret) (Presented Nov. 9, 2006)