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Evolving toward Resilience: The Climate Security Threat of Wildfires

26 July 2024 / 1200 - 1330 PT / Virtual Via Zoom

To attend, please register at:

This Wildfire Panel event will feature a distinguished panel of experts sharing their insights on climate modeling, wildfire science, and the current best practices in wildfire management. This event aims to highlight wildfire management discussions for military and civilian communities with the knowledge to mitigate wildfire risks and enhance preparedness.

The first section on Climate Modeling, presented by Dr./LCDR Kellen Jones, will emphasize the essential role of climate modeling in understanding and mitigating wildfire threats. Dr./LCDR Jones will delve into recent research from "Wildfire-Favorable Offshore Wind Events in California: Global-Scale Climate Teleconnections to Extreme Weather and Potential Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictability," demonstrating how these findings are refining wildfire risk models and enhancing predictive accuracy on subseasonal to seasonal timescales. The second section on Wildfire Science will feature Dr. Susan Prichard, who will draw from her extensive expertise in fire ecology, landscape vegetation, fire dynamics, and fire and fuels management to provide a thorough understanding of wildfire behavior and mitigation strategies. The final section will showcase three panelists - Honorable Ron Goode, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg, and Dr. Rebecca Miller on Current Best Practices for wildfire management. It will focus on the latest effective strategies in wildfire management, highlighting Indigenous and community-based resilience strategies, the resilience of critical infrastructure inside and outside the fenceline, and specific wildfire management practices in California.




Past Events

Past Events

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5/2/24 Seapower Conversation: Navigating the Tide: Rising Seas as a Threat to Readiness
4/23/24 3 Year Celebration of CSN
4/16/24 Global Climate and Energy Policy Trends – 2024 and Beyond
3/26/24 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy and Environment Featuring John Englander
1/22/24 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy and Environment
11/1/23 Analysis of Pathways to Reach Net Zero Naval Operations by 2050, Phase II
10/31/23 Water for Energy (W4E): The Quiet Crisis in the Making and on Border Prosperity in USA-Mexico and Other Regions
10/24/23 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy and Environment featuring Dr. Katharine Ricke
8/23/23 The Global Water Security Center: Translating Environmental Data for Security Decisions
8/2/23 Climate Change Law: The Impact of Recent Cases on Climate Security
4/27-28/23 Department of the Navy Climate Change Tabletop Exercise II
4/11/23 2-Year Celebration of CSN
4/5/23 Perspectives on Climate from a Military Fellow
2/9/23 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy & Environment featuring Dr. Neta Crawford
12/8/22 CSN Members Lunch
11/30/22 Challenges of Climate Security & Governance Competition
10/25/22 Net Zero Briefing: Pathways to Net Zero Emissions
9/15/22 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy, and the Environment: Climate Action 2030
8/3/22 ONR S&T Activities and Opportunities to support Navy Climate Action 2030
8/2/22 Maritime Decarbonization
5/16/22 CSN Research Roundtable
4/25/22 Climate Security Leaders Panel
4/6/22 1-Year Celebration of CSN
3/8/22 Net Zero Briefing: Airships
2/2/22 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy & Environment: Featuring Dr. Marshall Shepherd
12/8/21 Classified Briefing: National Intelligence Estimate Climate Change Report
12/1/21 Net Zero Briefing: Cost-Based Analysis
11/17/21 COP26 Panel: Making Sense of Glasgow
10/26/21 Offshore Wind Farms and the Morro Bay Project
9/24/21 Combined Naval Address on Climate, Energy and the Environment: Featuring Dr. Saul Griffith
7/13/21 Climate Security Policy: An Overview of Some Commercial Influences
6/3/21 Advancing Arctic Research
4/27/21 The Security Implications of Climate Change
4/7/21 NPS Climate & Security Speaker Series: Prioritizing Climate & Security in DoD