Naval Postgraduate School Graduation Ceremony - Video Portal
Naval Postgraduate School Graduation Ceremony
Fall 2009, with Keynote Speaker Admiral Mauz
Nearly 400 Naval Postgraduate School students tossed their tassels at festive Fall 2009 commencement exercises in King Hall, Dec. 18.
Nearly 400 Naval Postgraduate School students tossed their tassels at festive Fall 2009 commencement exercises in King Hall, Dec. 18.
“Somebody really ought to make a movie about our keynote speaker’s remarkable career,” Oliver said in introducing “NPS’ own” retired Admiral Henry “Hank” Mauz, former Commander of U.S. Atlantic Fleet and Chairman of the NPS Foundation. Mauz also commanded U.S. Seventh Fleet, and Naval Forces Central Command during Operations Desert Storm/Desert Shield. Read more here.
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