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Important Dates For March Graduates

Date: February 8, 2016 to March 30, 2016
Time: 0001
Location: Thesis Processing Office



The dates below also apply to extension students.


TARGET DATES for Submissions to the Thesis Processing Office (TPO) give you the best chance to finish on time. (NOTE: All Initial-draft, non-restricted theses, reports, and dissertations will be run through Turnitin, anti-plagiarism software before your thesis processor conducts your thesis review. A TII report will be sent to you and your advisors.)



Initial Draft:  MONDAY, FEB 8—Three draft chapters in the correct dissertation template, plus a Distribution Statement and at least a partial List of References, allowing TPO to provide feedback on formatting and citation style. NOTE: Distribution Statement is required: it determines thesis processor assignment.


Final Draft:   MONDAY, FEB 22—Signed off by your dissertation committee and the VPAA.

Theses and Final Project/Capstone Reports:

Initial Draft:  FRIDAY, FEB 12—Three draft chapters in the correct thesis template, plus a Distribution Statement and at least a partial List of References, allowing TPO to provide feedback on formatting and citation style. NOTE: Distribution Statement is required: it determines thesis processor assignment.


Final Draft:  FRIDAY, MAR 11—Signed off by your advisors and chair.

DEADLINES for submissions to the Thesis Processing Office (TPO):



Initial Draft Deadline:  MONDAY, FEB 29—Only previously-reviewed submissions with signed release form will be accepted for processing after this date.


Final Draft Deadline:   MONDAY, MAR 7No submissions for March class are accepted after this date. Extensions are required.

Dissertation Final Acceptance in Python: FRIDAY, MAR 11PhD candidates receivingdissertation acceptance letters after this date will not be nominated for March graduation.

Theses and Final Project/Capstone Reports:

Initial Draft Deadline:  FRIDAY, MAR 25TPO final acceptance letter is not guaranteed; an extension is encouraged. Initial drafts for the March class (even with signed release form) willNOT be accepted for processing after this date.


Final Draft Deadline:  MONDAY, MAR 28—This applies only to theses that have been through an Initial Draft review; an extension is encouraged. No submissions for March class are accepted after this date.

Thesis Final Acceptance in Python:   FRIDAY, APR 1Per the Academic Council, final thesis acceptance letters for March graduates will not be issued after this date. Extensions are required.

Graduation Day: FRIDAY, MAR 25—Student Services office closes early.

Your Detach Date: Students should make their advisory team and department chair aware of early detach dates. By NPS policy, military and international students must either have their TPO thesis final acceptance email by their detach date, or must file for an extension by their detach date.

final acceptance email by their detach date, or must file for an extension by their detach date.

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