NPS thesis templates and forms - Thesis Processing Office

Templates & Forms - Templates

Template Image


Thesis Template



The template contains the pages and styles you need to format your paper, along with guidance on abstracts, figures, block quotes, and the like. If you are new to the template, please watch the formatting demonstration below. If you still have questions, contact a thesis processor. Microsoft Word must be version 2019 or later (or Mac equivalent). The template functions best with Word 2019 or Word 365, so we recommend these versions. Download Microsoft Office, which contains Word, here. We do not, however, recommend upgrading versions in the middle of writing of your thesis. If you do, please follow the Template Setup instructions after upgrading. Do not use Word Online or in a browser; doing so will corrupt your formatting, resulting in extensive rework.


Templates and Forms - Before You Begin, Naming your file

Before you begin

Naming your file

How to set up the template (mandatory for all authors for each computer used) 

Common errors that we mark (you fix)

Proofreading module

Sharing your file with Thesis Processing

Advice for acing your iThenticate review

Single author: YYMon_Last_First

Multi-author: YYMon_Last_First_Last_Last

SE or SEA capstone: YYMon_Last_First et al


YY = Year of graduation

Mon = Month of graduation (first three letters)

Last and First = as in Python

Last and First et al = Last and first names of first author (alphabetically), followed by "et al"

Templates & Forms - Choose Your Template


Choose your template

Download                 Multi-line Figure Instructions  Multi-line Figure Instructions Macs

Caution: Follow the instructions on page 1 of the template carefully to avoid breaking the template, resulting in rework.

Note: The first eight pages of each thesis is outputted from the Python thesis dashboard.

If your are working in the SCIF, the templates you need are available in its public "Templates" folder. Also, be sure to visit our classified guidance page.

If you are working in the STBL, the templates you need are available in the student folder. Also, be sure to visit our classified guidance page.


 For technically proficient students and advisors. See formatting video below.

 CUI thesis? Download and use a local editor, or request an NPS-approved secure Overleaf site here. Do not upload CUI content to public websites like  

 TPO only supports templates downloaded from the link below.

 Download LaTeX template here.

 Need help? See our LaTeX formatting FAQ; watch the recorded crash course below; or ask your questions here


LaTeX formatting FAQ

Video - Thesis Crash Course (below)

Quick videos and tutorials

BibTeX samples for IEEE and Informs (also shown inside .bib file included in template)

Nested Applications
Format demo, Word, title over video


Thesis formatting demo – WORD

Formatting video, Word, skin

Formatting demo, LaTeX, title over video


Thesis formatting demo – LATEX

Formatting video, LaTeX skin