The NRP Process Cycle - Naval Research Program
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The Naval Research Program (NRP) follows a standard process for each research cycle. Our different stakeholders participate at several stages of the process, as shown below.
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Please note that FY26 topic submissions are currently limited to USN topics based on higher-level guidance.
Phase 1: Program preparation
Research topics are submitted for consideration in the upcoming research cycle.
Step 1: Topic submissions
Topic Advocates submit one or more research topics to the NRP Topic Portal for consideration in each research cycle.Step 2: IREF submissions
NPS Faculty submit Initial Research Estimate Forms (IREFs) for topics via the NRP Topic Portal.Step 3: IREF approvals
NRP, NPS Department Chairs, and Topic Advocates review and approve IREF submissions to be considered for funding.Step 4: IREF prioritizations
NRP prepares all approved IREFs for review by N-Code Topic Advocate Leads, for their organizations to prioritize and align with mission goals.Step 5: Selection for funding
The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) prioritizes all IREFs 1-to-N, and NRP uses these final prioritizations to select which IREFs will receive funding.Step 6: Funding announcement
NRP announces which IREFs will be eligible for funding in the upcoming research cycle, pending submission and approval of a research proposal.
Phase 2: Research proposals
IREFs are expanded into research proposals, to fully define project scope and budget.
Step 1: Coeus proposal shells
NRP creates shells for research proposals within Koali Coeus, pre-populating some of the data to decrease researcher workload.Step 2: Proposal data entry
Faculty enter data including personnel, budget, and expenses, as well as upload their required proposal attachments.Step 3: Department chair review
Department chairs review proposals submitted by their faculty and approve them. Proposals are then routed to NRP.Step 4: NRP review
NRP reviews submitted proposals and approves them to continue to the next stage of approval routing.Step 5: VPR review
The Vice Provost for Research (VPR) reviews and approves proposals, the final stage of the approval workflow.Step 6: Funding is issued
Once fully approved, NRP verifies that each researcher is in good standing, and issues funding to begin research.
Phase 3: Research and final deliverables
Faculty begin research, and document their work with required NRP deliverables.
Step 1: Research begins
Faculty begin research on approved and funded projects, working with students and other researchers.Step 2: Mid-Year Progress Review
Faculty submit a Mid-Year Progress Review (MPR) to NRP and their Topic Advocate, mid-way through their research.Step 3: Executive Summary
Faculty summarize and describe their process and research with a public release, Distro A Executive Summary.Step 4: Technical Report
Faculty compile a full final Technical Report to illustrate their findings in detail. NRP publishes Tech Reports in the NPS Calhoun Archive.Step 5: Other deliverables
Any other deliverables such as source code, posters, presentations, student theses, etc. are provided to the Topic Advocate and NRP.Step 6: Annual Report
NRP compiles all Executive Summaries from this research cycle into our Annual Report, which we provide to program sponsors.
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Deliverables submission workflow
There are several stages in the deliverables submission process, as seen below.
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