GPC FAQs Accordion - General FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below please find generalized FAQs below. Beneath those are branch-specific inquiries.

Curriculum 255 

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited four-year college or university with a 2.6 GPA or higher on a 4.0-scale and meet the below eligibility for credit.

Reserve personnel, contractors, and international students are not eligible for Curriculum 255.  However, Navy reservists are eligible for NS4000 Lecture Series/Single Course Enrollment.


Distance learning Certificate, for credit 

The following are eligible for this offering:

  • Naval Officers
  • Naval Enlisted
  • Non-Naval Officers
  • Non-Naval Enlisted
  • DON Civilians
  • DOD Civilians
  • Non-DOD Federal Employees

See NPS Online for Application Link and additional details:

Read the questions and answers below to figure this out. At its core, this program is about educating officers on what constitutes Great Power Competition for the purpose of translating policy into informed plans and strategies. This program does not make you an expert but provides a foundation that officers can use as they grapple with problem sets stemming from Great Power Competition. 

The program cannot accept the GI Bill or TA funding. All students are responsible for funding texts and materials. Students' commands are responsible for tuition payments.

This program is designed with three types of candidates. The first category would be officers, between O-1 and O-6, with interest in and potential to attend NPS in-residence via Advanced Civil Schooling at a later date. The second category are those who already have a graduate degree but see this certificate as a means of standing out for their assignment of choice in the AIM marketplace. The last category contains officers slated to or currently in a billet that actively works the GPC problem set who would find value in this program. Officers in this last category would likely be serving at HQDA, Joint Staff, Combatant Command, Army Service Component Command, Defense Intelligence Agency, Command and General Staff College, or on an embassy country team.


  • The NS 4000 Lecture Series is a one-credit, pass/fail course taught in an asynchronous distance-learning format. For additional details for NS 4000 please see:

No. The certificate program does not require a GRE. However, if and when you apply to NPS for a full masters program, you will need a recent GRE score for that application.

No. ACS funding cannot be used for distance-learning or non-degree producing educational opportunities. 

No. You will need to compete for Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS) funding. Contact your branch manager for that process. Given ACS funding, you will then need to apply to NPS for the Masters of Arts in Security Studies curriculum. What the GPC certificate provides are 13 transferable credits towards this curriculum at NPS.

Yes. The credits earned via the NPS Great Power Competition (GPC) Certificate Program may be acceptable for use toward the Naval War College's Master of Arts in Defense and Strategic Studies degree offered by its College of Distance Education's non-resident Graduate Degree Program (GDP). For more information concerning the applicability of GPC Certificate Program credits toward the degree, please contact the GDP program manager at or visit the GDP webpages at


This program can also be applicable to any NSA curriculum and could reduce your time in Monterey. For example, if applied to the 688 Strategic Studies curriculum, your time at NPS will be reduced by three months.

The button/link to the participation agreement will appear on the last page of the online application.

After your commanding officer/supervisor signs the form, send a completed form as an attachment via e-mail to the NPS admissions office.

GPC FAQs Accordion - Other Services

Air Force/Army/Space Force/Coast Guard FAQs

Identify whether you have a source of funding. Funding is the number one hurdle facing the vast majority of officers who want to apply.

Funding for graduate-level certificates and courses will need to come from an official source that can be covered by a student support agreement (normally a form 7600A/B) and/or with funds MIPR’d to NPS. NPS cannot accept tuition assistance, personal funds, credit card payments, or Electronic Funds Transfers. The most likely funding source is your unit. In some cases it is possible that your branch/functional area proponent may have training funds available to support.

For any questions please contact:

Graduate level certificates and courses provide a professional development opportunity that will most likely have long term benefits beyond your current assignment. Whoever decides to fund this opportunity will need to understand how it is in the interest of your command and service to make this investment in you. From the perspective of a commander or supervisor, this is an opportunity to reward hard workers with a developmental opportunity with mid-to long-term benefits.

For Curriculum 255 Certificate, tuition is $7,300 will be payable upon enrollment. Personal funds or tuition assistance cannot be accepted by NPS.

Applicants will need their tuition POC contact information inserted into their application prior to their application being considered complete. E-mail is


For standalone NS 4000 Single Course Enrollment, tuition is $650 payable upon enrollment. Personal funds or tuition assistance cannot be accepted by NPS.

Applicants will need their tuition POC contact information inserted into their application prior to their application being considered complete. E-mail is

GPC FAQs Accordion - Marines

Marines/Navy FAQs

Per OPNAV Instruction 1520.23C, Naval officers participating in this program must agree to remain on active duty for a period of one year following completion of the certificate program.  This obligation is discharged concurrently with any other service obligation already incurred.  This agreement does not obligate the Navy to retain the officer on active duty. NPS is mission-funded to provide tuition-free graduate education to active-duty Navy and Marine Corps officers (in application, the tuition POC is NA).

GPC FAQs Accordion - Single Course Enrollment

NS4000 Single Course Enrollment FAQs

General questions from previous NS4000 single course enrollment students

Most NS4000 distance learning students will use their existing ".mil" or ".gov" e-mails. When you have completed the single course enrollment registration (link sent to you by the course coordinator), the notification will be sent to whichever e-mail you provided on the registration form. PLEASE check your junk and spam folder; it has been known that ".edu" e-mails get automatically sent to the trash (per command's security protocols). 

Most NS4000 distance learning students will use their existing ".mil" or ".gov" e-mails. This is the default method of accessing the course. 

In a few cases, distance learning students may receive a NPS e-mail with additional instructions.

Please send an e-mail to Reference the year, quarter, and course you are taking as a single-credit course.

Please send an e-mail to and, Subject: NS4000. Reference the course you are taking (as well as your username).

Please send an e-mail to, Subject: NS4000.