Instructional Design

Creating Effective Educational Videos with Camtasia

Camtasia is an easy and quick-to-learn screen recording and video editing software that allows the creation of interactive videos for any device.

Digital Annotation

Learn about some of the benefits of incorporating digital annotation as well as the tools available supporting digital annotation in both residence and distance learning at NPS.

Illuminating Teaching with Lightboard Videos

A lightboard is a transparent whiteboard made of glass with internal lighting to make writing with colored markers glow.

Course Design

Designing and Facilitating Class Discussions

This resource outlines the importance of class discussions,and shares differences between synchronous and asynchronous discussions.

Flipping the Classroom

The flipped classroom is a student-centered approach to instruction that inverts the conventional time, space, and social dimensions of teaching and learning.

Integrating Asynchronous Material

Asynchronous material is course content that students engage with outside of class time, on their own schedule.

Online Teaching Tips

This resource outlines advice on how to go about teaching synchronously and asynchronously, and the appropriate stepsto improve students' experience.

SOLE: Self-Organized Learning Environment

SOLE is an inquiry-based learning methodology. The SOLE process is designed to foster autonomy and student-driven learning by creating a collaborative environment.

Student Engagement Activities

Student engagement activities encourage collaboration, student-centric learning, student-driven inquiry, and active meaning-making aimed at achieving the learning objectives of the course.

Video-Based Feedback

Video-based feedback is a method using video recordings to deliver feedback on student progress or performance.

Hybrid Classroom Support

Flexible Learning Experience (FLEx) Spaces

The Flexible Learning Experience (FLEx) spaces support active learning in many ways, by piloting new technology that meets the needs of all types of faculty and students.

Hybrid Classroom Guidelines

Synchronous hybrid courses, where some students participate in person on-site and others via distance learning, are challenging for both instructors and students.

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