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JIFX 25-2

3–7 February 2025

NPS Field Laboratory at Camp Roberts
Event Focus Area: Sustained Operations 

JIFX events provide an opportunity for technology developers to interact with operational personnel to determine how their technology and ideas may support or enhance USG/DoD capabilities. The environment facilitates a collaborative learning environment between government, academia, industry, and NGOs to promote the identification and assessment of emerging and maturing technologies. These events enable rapid iteration on nascent technologies with the direct input of end users. Submissions that relate to any of the RFI areas of interest (including areas not listed below) will be considered for acceptance.


In a complex global landscape, sustained operations are critical for mission success in extended deployments, often in remote or austere environments. The JIFX program invites innovators, technologists, and operators to explore solutions that support resilience, efficiency, and continuous functionality in prolonged missions. 

Why Sustained Operations? 

Missions today frequently demand long-term presence, reliable communications, robust logistics, and adaptable infrastructure, often in challenging environments. Advances in sustained operations technologies provide the tools needed to reduce downtime, optimize resources, and ensure mission resilience. 

  1. Energy Independence and Renewable Solutions 
  2. Field-Repairable and Durable Equipment 
  3. Advanced Communication and Data Resilience
  4. Autonomous and Unmanned Systems Support
  5. Logistics and Predictive Maintenance
  6. Sustainable Resource Management 

Who Should Get Involved? 

The Sustained Operations focus area is ideal for those involved in long-term deployments or continuous field operations, especially in challenging or remote environments. Researchers, defense agencies, technology developers, logistics experts, and field operators are encouraged to contribute to advancing capabilities in this critical area. 


JIFX 25-2 Experiments
            Experiment Title Organization Vulcan Scout Card ID
A-12 Mulit-Agent UAV GPS-Denied Autonomy & Deconfliction Rhoman Aerospace 11550
B-02 Tactical Edge Embodied AI Mesh (TEEAM) Gambit Defense 16481
B-07 CBRNE threat Avoidance, Detection, and Neutralization via HoloWarrior MUM-T kit for Vehicles VR Rehab Inc. 17822
B-09 Quantum Shield Solideon  
C-05 Archimedes Directed Energy Weapons System Aurelius Systems 18875
C-07 Identifying friendly Group 1 UAS Using Encrypted ADS-B to Share PLI (Position Location Information) with Friendly Forces using M5L2 Rebroadcast/td> uAvionix  
D-03 Sub-Zero Massive Light 18855
E-02 Secure Communications in Contested/Denied Environments Cyphlens 15375
E-03 SANDMAN NUTS Technologies 18860
G-02 TerraSuite/VORTEX Skyline Software Systems 17343
G-05 Wingman AI ThermoAI 19232
G-06 Narrative Intelligence: Actionable Insights for Information Operations Clara Copilot 16451
G-08 AI-Powered Role-Player Training Delta Learning 18874
J-01 xCell DVT Firestorm Labs 16974
J-03 METEOR - Quiet Tactical Power Joule Case 18804
K-01 Remote powering using battery generators and solar recharging in a tactical environment New Use Energy Solutions  
K-02 Theia - More Effects, Less Complexity Husmann Technologies 18482
K-04 Off Grid Renewable Energy (OGRE) System Bren-Tronics  
K-06 LightCell: Reliable, Long-Endurance, Multi-Fuel Power Generation for Sustained Operations Mesodyne 15565
K-07 Sustained Edge Power Chariot Defense 18886
K-08 Ground Vehicle Equipped with Hybrid Electric Power System Burgess Aerospace Innovations 18591
M-01 Pikeman: Low Cost Electric Loitering Munition GreenSight  

JIFX Week Schedule

All times are in Pacific time zone.

JIFX Experimentation Week Schedule


0900 Venue/Registration Opens
1000 Event Opening Brief*
Following Brief Flyers Meeting
0900–1700 Set-up / Frequency Verifications / Experimentation
1630 Evening Brief*
1730 Venue Closed


0730 Venue/Registration Opens
0800 Morning Brief*
Following Brief Flyers Meeting
0830–1700 Experimentation
1200–1300 Lunch Session*
1630 Evening Brief*
1730 Venue Closed


0730 Venue/Registration Opens
0800 Morning Brief*
Following Brief Flyers Meeting
0830–1700 Experimentation
1200–1300 Government-Only Meeting*
1630 Evening Brief*
1730 Venue Closed


0730 Venue/Registration Opens
0800 Morning Brief*
Following Brief Flyers Meeting
0830–1700 Experimentation
1200 Afternoon Brief*
1730 Venue Closed


0730 Venue/Registration Opens
0800 Morning Brief*
Following Brief Flyers Meeting
0830–1300 Experimentation
1300 Venue Closed

* All Briefs will be broadcast for virtual participation. Zoom for Government dial-in information will be provided to all registered participants via email.

Pre-Event Coordination Calls

More Information