Thank You for Joining us @ NRWG 22!

Naval Research Working Group (NRWG) 22 | April 19-21, 2022

  NRWG 22 Event Access - Whova App 
(registration is required to participate )
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Presenter General FAQ

General Information for All Presenters

We hope this FAQ will help you better understand the virtual sessions and your role as a presenter. If you have questions not addressed below, please contact us at

The terms Speaker and Presenter will be used interchangeably. Speaker is the broad term used in Whova for anyone who will be presenting content during the event.

Primarily we will communicate with presenters via the NRP email address ( However, we will also send you messages through Whova that will come from the email address: Some messages will also come from the NRP via e.g. NPS NRP <>; (NPS NRP via .

Important - To ensure inbox delivery please add the following to your safe sender list "Never Block Senders Domain":


We are using the Whova event management app.

Whova Speaker Guide

Yes, all presenters are requested to officially register for NRWG 22 as a "speaker" for the event as soon as they complete the Presenter Participation Request Form. You will need to download the Whova App and/or access the Desktop App to access the event agenda, session content, speaker/attendee bios, session content, and networking activities on our Whova virtual event app.

We will be sending you an email with a speaker specific form link that will allow you to:

  • update your Profile Info (Full name, Affiliation, Job Title, Biography, Profile picture, Phone number),
  • add social media handles,
  • upload session files, 
  • add discussion topics to engage attendees before/after your session (creates a new discussion topic on the Community discussion board),
  • recommend your publications, news or any recommended articles (posts to the "Article Sharing" topic on the Community discussion board), and
  • access Whova marketing cards to share your session and/or the event on social media.

Your name, title, affiliation, bio and profile picture will be displayed alongside your session listing(s) and will be included on our public Speaker webpage. 

View your schedule using your unique Whova Speaker Form (received via your registered email address).

  • The due date to submit presentation files is April 6 (extended).
  • Topic Sponsor - Engagement Session 
  • NPS Faculty/Staff/Student - Panel Session, Engagement Session, Lab Tour and/or Capabilities Brief 
  • Poster Session
    • Video Files: Upload using your unique Whova Poster Presenter Form (Note: once the event is live you may add/update info directly via the Whova app)
    • PDF - Briefing files (limit 2): Upload using your unique Whova Poster Presenter Form (Note: once the event is live you may add/update info directly via the Whova app)

Need help? Contact

Yes! Please visit the Presentation Resources section of our website for general presentation resources and EDUCAUSE's micro-learning module series on Presentation Best Practices.

There is an internal message system in the platform allowing all attendees and presenters to message each other. If you would like to continue conversations outside the platform, you can share your email address directly with others. You can also add a “contact me” slide to the end of your presentation. For your protection, the NRP does not share email addresses of attendees or presenters, but they may choose to do so themselves.

Attendees will also be able to contact presenters via their individual session based Chat and/or Session Q&A.

NRWG Session Delivery Methods (Virtual)

NRWG Session Delivery Methods

All sessions will be scheduled and marketed using Whova. The primary simulive session delivery method and session presenter/participant interaction will be via Whova (recommended) and/or Zoom for Gov. 

Ideally all content will be:  Distribution A – for public release and at some point available for on demand viewing.

RECOMMENDED DELIVERY options are Simulive sessions or on-demand prerecorded video hosted on the NRP YouTube channel, as these options are fully integrated within the Whova app, providing a seamless, convenient user experience. 

Simulive is a combination of pre-recorded video content and live interaction (simulated+live = simulive). You record your video/presentation in advance of your broadcast date, while still getting to interact with your audience before/during/after your scheduled event. This allows you to provide a polished and timely session while not missing out on valuable Q&A time and ensures that you keep your audience engaged. Synchronous Q&A can occur as attendees join the session, during the session, and/or after the prerecorded video portion. Chat can continue asynchronously after the scheduled simulive session has ended. Also see: What is Simulive and Why is it Great?

Native Whova tools will be used to deliver the synchronous simulive session and to engage with participants via native chat. 

  • A link to the prerecorded video, hosted on the NRP YouTube Channel (NRP-YTC), will embed the video in Whova for seamless viewing by authorized event registered attendees. All content uploaded to the NRP-YTC will be “unlisted” and only available to those that have the link (we will make the content available for public viewing at the presenter’s request). 
  • All session communication will remain in Whova. During the synchronous session, the presenter/moderator will interact in real-time with session attendees using the in-app Whova Chat feature (text only, no audio).
  • Presenters may also choose to use the Whova in-app live polling feature. Live polling is a fun way to make events more interactive. 
  • On-demand video viewing and Whova chat communication can continue asynchronously in Whova after the scheduled simulive session ends. 

ZoomGov will be used to deliver the simulive session and to engage with participants via chat and/or audio/video. 

  • A link to the ZoomGov meeting will be provided to NRWG attendees via Whova. Attendees will leave the Whova event environment to join the ZoomGov meeting. A meeting specific password will be required to access the ZoomGov meeting.
  • During the simulive session, the prerecorded video will be played while presenters/moderators interact in real-time with session attendees using the native ZoomGov chat feature. Synchronous Q&A audio/video chat can occur as attendees join the session, during the session, and/or after the prerecorded video portion. 
    • Note: It will be important to remind attendees to use the ZoomGov meeting tools for communication during the simulive event, rather than the in-app Whova session chat. 
  • Session will be recorded (by the presenter), to include the pre-recorded video and all chat and/or audio/video discussion and made available (by the NRWG Organizers) for on-demand video viewing.
  • Once the simulive session has ended, the ZoomGov meeting recording will be uploaded to the NRP-YTC. All content uploaded to the NRP-YTC will be “unlisted” and only available to those that have the link (we will make the content available for public viewing at the presenter’s request). A link to the NRP-YTC hosted recording of the simulive session will then be added to the session listing in Whova for on demand viewing.
  • On-demand video viewing, Whova chat communication and polling can continue asynchronously in Whova after the scheduled simulive session ends.

This option is similar to the  simulive ZoomGov/NRP-YTC option above, with one notable exception; once the simulive session has ended, a recording of the live session will not be made available for on-demand video viewing via Whova. 

Session chat communication and polling can continue asynchronously in Whova after the scheduled simulive session ends. 

This option is similar to the simulive option 2– ZoomGov/NRP-YTC option, with one notable exception; the synchronous presentation will be entirely live. A completely live session will require additional real-time presentation and time management. The panel moderator will need to coordinate and mange all aspects of the session flow, in real-time during the meeting such as individual speaker timing and transition between speakers, Q/A (audio and/or chat). 

Session chat communication and polling can continue asynchronously in Whova after the scheduled simulive session ends. 

An embed link to your prerecorded video presentation, hosted on the NRP-YTC, will display your video in the Whova application for seamless viewing by authorized event registered attendees. All content uploaded to the NRP-YTC will be “unlisted” and only available to those that have the link (we will make the content available for public viewing at the presenter’s request).

  • Presenters may also choose to use the in-app Whova polling feature to schedule a poll. Polling is a fun way to make events more interactive. 
  • On-demand video viewing and Whova chat communication can occur asynchronously in Whova during NRWG 22. 

Your briefing materials will be made available for download via your Whova session in PDF format. 

  • Presenters may also choose to use the in-app Whova polling feature to schedule a poll. Polling is a fun way to make events more interactive. 
  • Whova chat communication can occur asynchronously in Whova during NRWG 22.