CRUSER Monthly Meeting - CRUSER
Our Next Monthly Meeting:
Date: 7 October 2024
Time: 1200-1250 (Pacific Time (US & Canada))
Location: Online Only
Remote Connection: Zoom Meeting – Connection details are sent to all current CRUSER members. If you are not a member, please join the CRUSER community of interest.
Dial-in: TBD
1200-1205 Welcome - Dr. Mara Orescanin, Director, CRUSER
1205-1225 Joseph Lukefahr, Dept of Information Sciences, NPS - UAS-Related Internet Standards: IETF 120 Recap for CRUSER
1225-1245 Gokul Puthumanaillam and Melkior Ornik, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Frugal Data-Driven Planning on Resource-Constrained Missions
1245-1250 Closing Remarks
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Nov 4 - MAJ Ryan "FIL" Montgomery USMC - Mission Autonomy Proving Ground- Field Event 5 Overview / Mustafa Canan, Ph.D
Dec 2 - Dr. Thomas McKenna ONR
Jan 6 - Trygve Fossum, CEO, Skarv Technologies - Norwegian Underwater Robotics Company - Skarv Technologies / Prof Carl Oros (IS Dept), Prof Fabio Alves (PHY Dept.), & Joe Lukefahr, Faculty Assoc. Researcher & PhD student, CS Dept. - Network Integration of Bio-Inspired MEMS Acoustic Vector Sensors (AVS) for Counter UAS Target Acquisition
About the CRUSER Monthly Meeting
The CRUSER Monthly Meeting is both a community discussion and a venue for presentation of naval relevant research. The event is open to all CRUSER members (click here to join) and is typically hosted on the first or second Monday of each month at 1200 Pacific Time. The first potion of the meeting is announcements on relevant events and activities specific to NPS involvement in robotics and autonomous systems research and education. The second portion of the meeting is normally two 20-minute seminar-style briefs from the CRUSER community. These are often NPS students, faculty and/or researchers presenting their work, but are often provided by other naval commands, academic institutions or industry.
We welcome a broad range of research topics, "from technical to ethical, from concept to experiment", with the goal of providing value for our CRUSER members, which include NPS students, faculty and staff; active-duty military; government civilian researchers; and the private-sector. The monthly meeting venue provides and opportunity for CRUSER members to raise awareness of their work, invite collaboration and gather feedback from our broad range of constituents.
All presentations must be approved for public release. (Other venues can be provided for limited distribution briefs and discussion.) We do not distribute the presentation documents or recordings, but, where appropriate, link to presenter contact information for follow-up discussions.
Past Meetings
See the info below for meeting guest speakers, subjects, and links to materials (if available).
Year |
Speaker / Topic |
2024 | |
September | Dr. Dave Ortiz-Suslow, Dept of Meteorology and LT Nathan Glaubitz, METOC and USW Programs Office, NPS - Quantifying Surface Currents in the Littoral Zone with UAS-based Video Remote Sensing of Ocean Waves Oliver Gunasekara, CEO of Impossible Metals - Deep Sea Trials of our Eureka II AUV |
August | LCDR Colleen Wilmington, NPS Student - Investigating AGU23 Cryospheric Acoustics Major Kaijian Lin, Singapore Air Force, NPS Student - Integration of 5G Communications for UAV Control in a Multi-Link Network |
July | Mara Orescanin, Director, CRUSER - Overview of ONR/Mine Warfare Symposium/UMST meetings Joseph Klamo, Systems Engineering Dept, NPS and Justin Brown, Oceanography Dept, NPS - Update on Transition Effort for “Collaborative Research: Manipulating Control Surface Roughness on Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles to Achieve Scale-Independent Performance” |
June | Steven Haddock, MBARI - One if by Air, Two if by Sea: Autonomous Platforms for Ocean Monitoring at MBARI Ensigns Cade Trauger and Samuel Nafus, NPS Students, MAE Department - Improving Cruise-Flight Performance of Multi-Copters Through Experimental and Numerical Methods with Direct Application to Aqua-Quad |
May | Emil Kartalov, Physics Department, NPS - UUVs Propelled by Archimedes Force, for Large-Scale Mine Operations |
April | Kristen Fletcher & Marina Lesse, Energy Academic Group, NPS - The Role of UxS in Addressing Climate Challenges Dr. Kevin Jones, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Dr. Duane Davis, Dept of Computer Science, and CDR Katy Giles, USN, NPS - Tightly Coupled Formation Flight of Swarms to Support Extended Range and Deception |
March | Kaitlin Penry, Director of Research Innovation, NPS - NIX Update LT Kyle J. Goncz, Student, Mechanical Engineering and SEA Programs Office, NPS - Object Detection of Unmanned Surface Vehicles |
February | Dr. Mara Orescanin, Director, CRUSER - STEM Design Challenge Update Sarasina Tuchen, USDOT, Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence - Automation Strategy in the Implementation of the AAM Coordination and Leadership Act |
January | Lyla Englehorn, NWSI, NPS - 2023 WIC Workshop Outcomes Dr. John McConnell, Assistant Professor, USNA - Situational Awareness for Underwater Robotics |
2023 | |
December | CAPT Matthew LaPointe, Senior Advisor, OPNAV N13 for Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Robotic Autonomous Systems - Navy Robotics Rating (RxS) |
November | Kenny Watts, Implevation, LLC - Overview of Army Redstone Arsenal Unmanned Aircraft Systems RDT&E Entities and Programs Dr. Preetha Thulasiraman, ECE Department, NPS - 5G and Networked UAV Systems: Opportunities and Constraints |
October | John Joseph, Oceanography Department, NPS - PSAP: Soundscape Listening Forevermore Dr. Vlad Dobrokhodov, MAE Department, NPS - Navigating Complex Winds: Fuel-Optimal Guidance for Ultra-Long Endurance Flight |
September | Dr. Ruriko Yoshida, Dept. of Operations Research, NPS - Randomized Routing Strategies for Deception in Mobile Networked Control Systems Dr. Britta Hale, Dept. of Computer Science, NPS - Changing the Paradigm for UxS Security, Robustness, and Efficiency in Communication Connections |
August | LtCol Scott Humr, PhD Candidate, Information Sciences, NPS - Judgment and Temporal Evolution of Trust in Artificial Intelligence-Supported Decision-Making Dr. Shelley Gallup, Information Sciences, NPS - LMACC: Lightly Manned Autonomous Combat Capability |
July | Capt. Deondra Irby, Information Warfare Systems Engineering Student, NPS - Woman's Impact Tech Conference Doug Horner, Chair, Undersea Warfare Academic Group, NPS and Geoff Xie, Computer Science Dept, NPS - Behavior Integrated Optimization for Networked Control Systems (BION) |
June | LT Devon Florendo, Systems Engineering Student, NPS - Using Design-Test-Build cycles to Demonstrate Propulsion in a Karman Vortex Using a Flexible Body Kristen Fletcher & Marina Lesse, Energy Academic Group, NPS - UxS: Governance and Policy Research at NPS |
May | Dr. Christopher Brophy, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NPS - Progress Towards a Rapid-Response Counter-Swarm Delivery System Dr. Don Brutzman, Dept. of Information Sciences, NPS - Ocean Power Technology (OPT) PB3 PowerBuoy Opportunities for NPS Applied Researchs |
April | LT Marissa Samons, SURFDEVRON ONE, USN and LT Jorge Rivas, USVDIV1, USN - Medium and Large USV 101 Dr. Abe Clark, Dept. of Physics and Dr. Isaac Kaminer, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NPS - Scaling and Trade-offs in Adversarial Swarm Engagements |
March | Jessica Herman, Professor of Practice, NPS - Robotics Certificate Update Dennis Danko, CDR USN (Ret), JPEM Program Manager - Joint Prototyping and Experimentation Maritime |
February | Dr. Troy Ansell, MAE Dept, NPS - Printing and Poling Piezoelectric Polymer Composites with Boron Nitride Nanotubes LT Jiles Maness, LTJG Chris Mears, Defense Analysis Students and LT Dumas, Space Systems Student, NPS – Hyper-Enabling Operators with Unmanned Systems and Pleo Constellationsg |
January | Dr. Mara Orescanin, Dept of Oceanography, NPS - CRUSER SEED Research Program – Application Results Dr. Eric Frew, Professor, Ann and H.J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, University of Colorado Boulder - Innovation Beyond Integration: The Center for Autonomous Air Mobility and Sensing |
2022 | |
November | Christian Fitzpatrick, Dept of Computer Science, NPS, Kristen Fletcher, Energy Academic Group, NPS, Marina Lesse, Energy Academic Group, NPS and Capt. Tim Socha, Student, NPS - Interactive Synthetic Environment (ISE) to Evaluate Zero-Carbon UAS Launch Platforms in the Arctic |
October | Ms. Lyla Englehorn, NWSI Concepts Branch Lead, NPS - NWSI Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC) Workshop 2022 “Future Hybrid Force" LT Heuback, Dept of Mechanical Engineering Student, NPS – Cooperative Control of Multiple Autonomous Surface Vessels in a GPS-Denied Environmenth |
September | Dr. Mara Orescanin, Dept of Oceanography, NPS - CRUSER SEED Research Program - Call for Proposals Dr. Signe A. Redfield, Director, Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research (LASR), US Naval Research Laboratory - Laboratory for Autonomous Systems Research |
August | LCDR Jessica Olena - PMS 406 Unmanned Maritime Systems, Advanced Autonomous Capabilities Assistant Program Manager - Rapid Autonomy Integration Lab - An Approach to Unmanned Maritime Software Development John Joseph, Dept of Oceanography, NPS - PSAP: Persistent Smart Acoustic Profiler |
July | Dr. Leo Blanken, MAJ Patrick Foley, Michael Stevens, Dept. of Defense Analysis and Dr. Kevin Jones, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NPS - Enabling Partner Force Innovation as a Form of Security Force Assistance: The Case of COTS Drones Alexander Kernbaum, Robotics SRI International |
June | Col Randy Pugh, Senior U.S. Marine Corps Service Rep, NPS - Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI) Brief Christopher Adams, Director, MAE Dept, NPS - Nimitz Research Group Brief |
May | Dr. Kevin Jones, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NPS - Aqua-Quad, Progress and Challenges Capt. Christian Thiessen, USMC, Dr. Kevin Jones, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Dr. Britta Hale, Dept. of Computer Science, Dr. Douglas Van Bossuyt, Dept. of Systems Engineering, NPS - Countering Uncrewed Aircraft Systems with the Detachable Drone Hijackerf |
April | Col Randy Pugh, Senior U.S. Marine Corps Service Rep, NPS - Naval Warfare Studies Institute (NWSI) Brief Christopher Adams, Director, MAE Dept, NPS - Nimitz Research Group Brief |
March | Dr. Brian Bingham, Director, CRUSER, Jessica Herman, MAE Dept, and Marianna Jones, Systems Engineering Dept, NPS - NPS Robotics Engineering Graduate Certificate Dr. Mara Orescanin, Dept of Oceanography, NPS - Design Challenge for Discovery Day at NPS |
February | Megen Schlesinger, Deputy Director, NavalX Central Coast (C2) Tech Bridge and Travis Linderman, Managing Director, Academic Venture Exchange - Central Coast Tech Bridge SBIR/STTR Opportunities |
January | Joanne Pilcher, Global Science Advisor Program Director (Acting), ONR Global NAVIFOR Science Advisor, Naval Information Forces, ONR - Naval Research Global Overview - Science Advisor Program |
2021 | |
December | Noah Weitz, Dr. James Newman, and Dr. Giovanni Minelli, Space Systems Academic Group, NPS - Predictive Failure Analysis for Autonomous Networked Ground Stations Dr. Don Brutzman, Dept. of Information Sciences, NPS, Dr. Curt Blais, NPS MOVES Institute, and Kristen Fletcher, Energy Academic Group, NPS - Data Strategy for Unmanned Systems Field Experimentation (FX), Simulation and Analysis |
November | No meeting |
October | Dr. Christopher Brophy and Dr. Joshua Codoni, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NPS - Counter Aerial UxS Munition Delivery System: Overview and Status Update |
September | Dr. Abe Clark, Dept. of Physics, Dr. Isaac Kaminer, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, and Maj. Wish, Combat Systems Program Office, NPS - Modeling and optimization of adversarial swarm engagements Dr. Mustafa Canan, Dept. of Information Sciences, NPS with Dr. Mustafa Demir, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Global Security Initiative, ASU - Open System Modeling and Human Machine Teams |
August | Dr. Douglas Van Bossuyt & Dr. Robert Semmens, Dept. of Systems Engineering, NPS with Bryan Mesmer, Dept. Industrial & Systems Engineering and Engineering Management & Kristin Weger: Dept of Psychology, Univ. Alabama, Huntsville - How to Build Human-Autonomy Teams: Enabling Requirements, Adoption, and Verification |
July | Dr. Donald Brutzman, Dept. of Information Sciences, NPS - Ethical Control of Unmanned Systems Dr. Robert Semmens, Dept. of Systems Engineering, NPS - Developing Tactical Judgment in a Human-Robot Team |
June | Dr. Timothy Chung, DARPA Program Manager - Accelerating Innovations for Robotics in Complex Real World Environments |
May | Dr. Corey Bergsrud, Engineer, Innovator, Leader, and Mentor, Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane Division - Great Power Competition & Opportunities for UXV's in the Maritime "Gray Zone" Maj. Logan Marcucci, Defense Analysis Student, NPS - DevOps to SpecOps: SOF Truths for AI Adoptione |
Apr | George Galdorisi, Director, Strategic Assessments and Technical Futures, NIWC Pacific - Algorithms of Armageddon: What Happens When We Insert AI Into Our Military Weapons Systems? Link to Associated Paper |
Mar | Kristen Fletcher, Energy Academic Group, NPS - Legal Aspects of UxS Dr. Raymond Buettner, Director, Sea Land Air Military Research, NPS– SLAMR Update |
Feb |
Dr. Shelley Gallup, Information Sciences, NPS - Operationalizing Human-Machine Teams in Surface Warfare |
Jan | Quinn Kennedy, Operation Research Dept, NPS and Perry McDowell, MOVES Institute, NPS - ONR Funding Opportunities for Student Theses |
2020 | |
Dec | Scot Miller, Dept. Of Information Sciences, NPS - Building a Human Machine Team for the MQ-25 Brian Nowotny, DoD Autonomy Test Lead, TRMC - Assured DevOps of Autonomous Systems (ADAS) |
Nov | Geoff Xie, Computer Science Dept, NPS –Delay Tolerant Networking for Mobile Communications Ruriko Yoshida, Dept. of Operations Research, NPS – Red Cell - Operational Deception planning Douglas Horner, Dept. of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering, NPS Hybrid Autonomy - Encoding Commander’s Intent |
Oct | Isaac Kaminer, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NPS - Counter-Swarming Strategies Against Large Scale Adversarial Swarms John Roth and David Garren, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NPS – Radar waveform optimization for Calibration of a UAV Swarm |
Sep | No Meeting |
Aug | Dr. Joshua Codoni and Dr. Christopher Brophy, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, NPS - Counter Aerial UxS Munition Delivery System |
Jul | Ms. Lyla Englehorn, NPS - Rapid Concept Generation LCDR Kevin Klemens, USNR - Open Source Unmanned Systems |
Jun | Dr. Emil Kartalov, Department of Physics, NPS - 3D-Printable Artificial Muscles LT Johnathan Marks, USN - Wave-induced ROV Motions when Operating Near-Surface |
May | Dr. Raymond Buettner, Dept. of Information Sciences and Director of the NPS Field Experimentation Program - Sea Land Air Military Initiative (SLAMR) Update Dr. Donald Brutzman, Dept. of Information Sciences - Ethical Control of Unmanned Systems using Formal Mission Ontologies for Undersea Warfare |
Apr | CDR Chris Angelopoulos, Director Cybersecurity, MOVES - Augmented Reality Research, NPS Dr. Raymond Gamache, Dr. Fabio Alves, Dr. Paul Leary, Professors of Physics, NPS. Physics Electronics: Pathway to the Future Autonomous Battlefield |
Mar | Hans Thomas, UAV supervisor, Monterey Bay Aquarium research Institute (MBARI) UAV program. Water Column Science and Geophysics using Dorado AUV |
Feb | Dr. Mara Orescanin, Dept of Oceanography, Machine learning techniques for coastal landscape classification |
Jan | COL Tim Sands, Ph.D., Assoc. Dean, Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science. Deterministic Artificial Intelligence for Surmounting Battle Damage |
2019 | |
Dec | LT Meagan Way, USN: SMi 4th Annual UAV Technology Conference; NPS SE Student Team: sUAV-E project: UAV Swarm Potential Uses |
Nov | Noah Weitz, Space Systems Academic Group, NPS: Mobile CubeSat, Command, and Control (MC3) Ground Station Automation and Situational Awareness Dr. MaraOrescanin, Dept of Oceanography: Machine learning techniques for coastal landscape classification |
Oct | MAJ Michael Senft, USA, LT Richard Rodriguez, USN, and LT Matthew Hendricks, USN - Hack the Machine 2019 |
Sep | WIC Workshop: Logistics in Contested Environments Col. John Dillard (Ret.), Senior Lecturer, Systems Engineering - Emerging results on the "Expeditionary Countermine Measures Sustainment" study |
Aug | Ms. Lyla Englehorn, CRUSER Assoc. Director - Royal Australian Navy's Warfare Innovation Workshop MAJ Zhaolin Chen, Republic of Singapore Air Force. Network Performance Evaluation of ROS 2 for Unmanned Systems using NS3 Simulations |
Jul | Mr. Josh Metz, Economic Development Manager, Fort Ord Reuse Authority - Monterey Bay Drone, Automation & Robotics Technology (DART) Initiative: A regional economic development strategy Jeremy Metcalf, PH Dept - Analysis of Spectral Imagery using Map Information |
Jun | Dr. Marcello Romano, MAE Dept - Minimum-Time Control of Linear Systems between Arbitrary States MAJ Joshua Gordon, USMC - Simulation analysis of tactical unmanned aerial systems' capabilities in support of the Marine Air Ground Task Force |
May | MAJ Justin Murphy, USMC – Proof of concept into bursty/short-living communication networks interconnected by aerial biological nodes (birds) Dr. Curt Blais, NPS MOVES Institute - Unmanned System Interoperability Standardization CRUSER Project Update: U.S. Navy and International Community Efforts |
Apr | MAJ Gonzalo Santiago and LT Gary Lattimore – Scan Eagle Research Update LT Austin Fleming - Naval Applications of Machine Learning 2019 Workshop Round-up |
Mar | Capt Ashley Brown - Effective Humanitarian Logistics Delivery using Space-filling Curves |
Feb | Ric Romero & Lt. Justin McCorkle - Active Sonar Matched Waveform for Resonant Spherical Mine Target |
Jan | Captain Mike Franco, USMC and Captain Steve Spada, USMC: Fundamentals of C2 as applied to Manned-Unmanned Teaming |
2018 | |
Dec | Dr. Fabio Alves, NPS: Acoustic detection of Small Flying UAS using bio-inspired MEMS sensors Dr. Margo Edwards, Director Applied Research Laboratory Researcher at the University of Hawaii: The Applied Research Laboratory at the University of Hawaii |
Nov | Dr. Mara S. M. Orescanin, NPS: Classification of Littoral Environments using Deep Learning LT Ross Eldred, USN: AUV Prototype Development for Wreck Interior Exploration |
Oct | Professor Kristi Morgansen, Empirical Methods at the Boundary of Model-Based and Learned Integrated Sensing and Actuation |
Sep | WIC Workshop: The Impact of Robotics and Autonomy on the Future Battlespace Dr. Brian Bingham: Welcome and CRUSER FY19 Call for Proposals Discussion |
Aug | Boon Hong Aaron Teow: Assessing Effectiveness of Using Combat UGV Swarm in Urban Operationse Wee Leong Lee: Feasibility Assessment of sUAS-based FOD Detection System |
Jul | Dr. Ray Buettner and NPS CRUSER Staff: Cybersecurity for UxV Systems LT Andy Schnieders: Comparison Study of Low-Level Controller Techniques for Unmanned Surface Vessels |
Jun | LT Tiffany Clark: Integrity-Based Trust Violations within Human-Machine Teaming Sondre Engebraten – Test and Evaluation of Decentralized Controller for a Multi-Function Drone Swarm |
May | CPT Todd Howe – Planning and Prototyping a SAR Mission with UxVs |
Apr | Dr. Alex Bordetsky, NPS, Director of CENETIX – Integrating and operating the Multi-Thread Experiment (MTX) Maritime, Land and Air Network |
Mar | Dr. Doug Horner, Dr. Alex Bordetsky, Dr. Sean Kragelund and Aurelio Monarrez- Multi-Thread Experiment (MTX) CDR Katy Giles, USN - Mission-based Architecture for Swarm Composability |
Feb | Dr. Ray Buettner and Ashley Hobson, NPS - Sea, Land, and Air Military Research (SLAMR) Facility Gerald Scott, NPS - Field Experimentation 18-2 |
Jan | Michael McCarrin, NPS - Enhancing Object Recognition in LIDAR Point-Cloud Data Jessica Reichers, NAWCWD - Autonomous Research Arena (AuRa) Human-Machine Interface |