CyberCIEGE Papers - Center for Cybersecurity and Cyber Operations
CyberCIEGE Papers
- Thompson, M.F., Irvine, C.E., "CyberCIEGE: A Video Game for Constructive Cyber Security Education", Call Signs, a publication of the United States Naval Aerospace Experimental Psychology Society, Volume 6, Issue 2, Fall, 2015
- Thompson, M.F., Irvine, C.E., "CyberCIEGE Scenario Design and Implementation", 2014 USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games, and Gamification in Security Education, San Diego, CA, August 18, 2014.
- Thompson, M.F., Irvine, C.E., "Active Learning with the CyberCIEGE Video Game", 4th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test, San Francisco, CA, August 8, 2011.
- Irvine, C.E., Thompson, M.F., "Simulation of PKI-Enabled Communication for Identity Management Using CyberCIEGE", 2010 Military Communications Conference, November 1-3 2010, pp.1758-1763.
- Cone, B. D., Irvine, C. E., Thompson, M. F., Nguyen, T. D., "A Video Game for Cyber Security Training and Awareness", Computers & Security 26 (2007) pp. 63-72
- Cone, B. D., Thompson, M. F., Irvine, C. E. and Nguyen, T. D., "Cyber Security Training and Awareness Through Game Play," 2006, in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 201, Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments, eds. Fischer-Hubner, S., Rannenberg, K., Yngstrom, L., Lindskog, S., (Boston: Springer), pp. 431-436.
- Irvine, C.E., Thompson, M.F., Allen, K.,"CyberCIEGE: Gaming for Information Assurance", Naval Postgraduate Sch., Monterey, CA, USA; Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE, May-June 2005, Volume: 3, Issue: 3, page(s): 61- 64, ISSN: 1540-7993
- Irvine, C.E., Thompson, M.F., Allen, K., "CyberCIEGE: An Extensible Tool for Information Assurance Education" CISSE conference
- Irvine, C.E., Thompson, M.F., Allen, K., "CyberCIEGE: An Information Assurance Teaching Tool for Training and Awareness", Federal Information Systems Security Educators' Association Conference, North Bethesda, MD, March 22-23 2005.
- Irvine, C.E., Thompson, M.F., "Expressing an Information Security Policy Within a Security Simulation Game", Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Education in Computer Security (WECS6), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California , July 12-16 2004, pp. 43-49
- Irvine, C.E., Thompson, M.F., "Teaching Objectives of a Simulation Game for Computer Security", Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology Joint Conference, Pori, Finland, June 24-27 2003
Assessments of CyberCIEGE Effectiveness in Education
Ariffin, M. M., Ahmad, W. F. W., & Sulaiman, S. (2016, August). Investigating the educational effectiveness of gamebased learning for IT education. In Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2016 3rd International Conference on (pp. 570-573). IEEE.
Vail, J., "Gamification of an Information Security Management Course." Education and Information Technology Annual–2016 A Selection of AACE Award Papers (2016): 135.
Raman, R., Lal, A., & Achuthan, K. (2014, March). Serious Games based approach to cyber security concept learning: Indian context. In Green Computing Communication and Electrical Engineering (ICGCCEE), 2014 International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Jones, J.; Xiaohong Yuan; Carr, E.; Huiming Yu; , "A comparative study of CyberCIEGE game and Department of Defense Information Assurance Awareness video," IEEE SoutheastCon 2010 (SoutheastCon), Proceedings of the, vol., no., pp.176-180, 18-21 March 2010
- Fung, C. C., Khera, V., Depickere, A., Tantatsanawong, P., & Boonbrahm, P. (2008, February). Raising information security awareness in digital ecosystem with games-a pilot study in Thailand. In Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, 2008. DEST 2008. 2nd IEEE International Conference on (pp. 375-380). IEEE.