CyberCIEGE Movies

The CyberCIEGE game includes tutorial movies that illustrate information assurance concepts explored by the game.  These tutorial movies are listed below.  These tutorial movies require a Flash plug-in.

Movies of sample game play can be seen via this link.

In addition to the links below, all tutorial movies are available in the CyberCIEGE game Encyclopedia, under "Tutorials and Movies".  And after installing the game or the evaluation version of the game, they can be found in Cyberciege\game\exec\Movies

Introduction Movie (3:40) - What is the role of an Information Security Decision Maker?
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Movie 1: The Information Security Policy (7:47)- How do you know if a system is secure?
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Movie 2: Malicious Software (6:10)- What are your enemies capable of?
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Movie 3: Assurance (3:55)- How can we have confidence in the protection mechanism?
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Movie 4: Firewalls (4:00)- What is the use of firewalls, intrusion detection and antivirus products?
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Movie 5: Filters (2:10)- How do we deploy network filters to limit network traffic?
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Movie 6: Multilevel Components (4:03)- What is a multilevel component?
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Movie 7: Encryption (5:16)- Introduction to using cryptography to protect network communication.
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Movie 8: Symmetric & Public Key Cryptography (2:16)- Encryption for confidentiality.
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Movie 9: Network Authentication Through Cryptography (4:10) - Identifying the source of data.
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Movie 10: Public Key Infrastructure (12:45) - Use and limitations of PKI.
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Movie 11: Patch Management (3:50) - Software contains flaws your enemy can exploit.  What can you do?
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Movie12: CyberCIEGE PKI Installed Roots (3:20) - What are PKI "installed roots", why are they important, and how do you manage them in CyberCIEGE?
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Movie13: CyberCIEGE VPN Connection Profiles (3:32) - Deciding who we are willing to communicate with, and the protection we want for that communication.

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