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Faculty Profile Directory


Sae Young Ahn

Assistant Professor
Manpower and Economics

Phone: (831) 656-2470
NPS Experience
  • 2017 - current: Assistant Professor

Scholarly Work

  • Journal Articles
  • Ahn, S., Cunha, J., & Veith, P, Information Transmission in Groups: Peer Influence in High-stakes, Irreversible Financial Decisions. Review of Economics and Statistics.
  • Ahn, S., Arcidiacono, P., Hopson, A., & Thomas, J, (2024). Equilibrium Grade Inflation with Implications for Female Interest in STEM Majors. Econometrica, 3(92), 849-880.
  • Ahn, S., Sandford, J., & Shea, P, (2023). Lethality and Deterrence in Affairs of Honor. Rationality and Society, 3(35), 259-292.
  • Ahn, S., & Vigdor, J, (2023). Opening the Black Box: Behavioral Responses of Teachers and Principals to Pay-for-Performance Incentive Programs. Journal of Human Capital, 3(17), 315-348.
  • Ahn, S., Cole, S., Fan, J. J., & Griffin, C, (2023). Analysis of Separation Behavior Using Machine Learning: The Case of Australian Navy Sailors. Military Operations Research Journal, 2(28), 23-54.
  • Ahn, S., & Vigdor, J, (2021). When Incentives Matter Too Much: Explaining Significant Responses to Irrelevant Information. Journal of Human Capital, 4(15), 629–664.
  • Ahn, S., & Menichini, A. A, (2021). Optimal Long-Run Talent Management of the Department of Defense Acquisition Workforce in Response to COVID-19: A Dynamic Programming Approach. Defense Acquisition Research Journal, 1(29), 50–77.
  • Ahn, S., Niven, J., & Veilleux, A, (2021). How Long Have You Been Waiting? Explaining the Role of Irrelevant Information in the Promotion of U.S. Navy Officers. Economics Bulletin, 2(41), 604-614.
  • Ahn, S., & Trogdon, J, (2017). Peer Delinquency and Student Achievement in Middle School. Labour Economics, (44), 192–217.
  • Ahn, S, (2017). Strategic Matching of Teachers and Schools with (and without) Accountability Pressure. Education Finance and Policy, 4(12), 516-535.
  • Ahn, S, (2016). A theory of dynamic investment in education in response to accountability pressure. Economics Letters, (149), 75–78.
  • Trogdon, J. G., & Ahn, S, (2015). Geo-spatial Patterns in Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Uptake: Evidence from Uninsured and Publicly-Insured Children in North Carolina. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, cebp–1231.
  • Trogdon, J. G., & Ahn, S, (2015). Geospatial patterns in influenza vaccination: Evidence from uninsured and publicly insured children in North Carolina. American journal of infection control, 3(43), 234–240.
  • Ahn, S, (2015). Matching Strategies of Teachers and Schools in General Equilibrium. IZA Journal of Labor Economics, (4).
  • Ahn, S., & Jepsen, C, (2015). The Effect of Sharing a Mother Tongue with Peers: Evidence from North Carolina Middle Schools. IZA Journal of Migration, (4).
  • Ahn, S., Sandford, J., & Shea, P, (2014). A Note on Bubbles, Worthless Assets, and the Curious Case of General Motors. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1(18), 244–254.
  • Ahn, S, (2014). A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Graduation Standards and Their Impact on Students’ Academic Trajectories. Economics of Education Review, (38), 64–75.
  • Ahn, S., & Yelowitz, A, (2014). The Short-Run Impacts of Connecticut’s Paid Sick Leave Legislation. Applied Economics Letters, 15(22), 1267–1272.
  • Ahn, S, (2013). The missing link: Estimating the impact of incentives on teacher effort and instructional effectiveness using teacher accountability legislation data. Journal of Human Capital, 3(7), 230–273.
  • Ahn, S, (2011). Distributional Impacts of a Local Living Wage Increase with Ability Sorting. Economics Letters, 3(112), 283-286.
  • Ahn, S., Arcidiacono, P., & Wessels, W, (2011). The distributional impacts of minimum wage increases when both labor supply and labor demand are endogenous. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1(29), 12–23.
  • Ahn, S., Arcidiacono, P., Murphy, A., & Swinton, O, (2010). Explaining cross-racial differences in teenage labor force participation: Results from a two-sided matching model. Journal of Econometrics, 1(156), 201–211.
  • Ahn, S., & Arcidiacono, P, (2004). Paying to queue: a theory of locational differences in nonunion wages. Journal of Urban Economics, 3(55), 565–579.
  • Research Reports
  • Ahn, S, (2022). What We Do and Don’t Know about Online Platform Rideshare/Delivery Workers in Massachusetts.
  • Ahn, S, (2016). The Labor Market Impacts of Paid Sick Leave: Evidence from Connecticut.
  • Ahn, S., & Vigdor, J, (2013). Were all those standardized tests for nothing? The lessons of no child left behind.
  • Ahn, S., & Vigdor, J, (2011). Making Teacher Incentives Work: Lessons from North Carolina’s Teacher Bonus Program.
  • Arcidiacono, P., & Ahn, S, (2004). Minimum wages and job search: What do employment effects really measure?
  • Technical Reports
  • Ahn, S., & Hartmann, L, (2023). Determinants of Navy Performance Evaluation Records.
  • Ahn, S., & Menichini, A. A, (2022). Individualized and Optimal Talent Management of the AWF in Response to COVID-19: Dynamic Programming Approach.
  • Ahn, S., & Fan, J, (2022). Machine Learning in AWF Talent Management: New Approaches to Prediction of Workforce Retention and Promotion.
  • Shen, Y., Ahn, S., & Knutson, M, (2022). Applying predictive analytics as screening tools in medical review process in the United States Military Entrance Processing Command: Phase I report.
  • Ahn, S., & Hartmann, L, (2022). Performance Evaluation Needs Assessment.
  • Ahn, S., & Menichini, A. A, (2021). Retention Analysis Modeling for the Acquisition Workforce II.
  • Ahn, S., & Menichini, A. A, (2020). Retention Analysis Modeling for the Acquisition Workforce.
  • Arkes, J. A., Ahn, S., Menichini, A. A., & Gates, W. R, (2019). Retention Analysis Model (RAM) for Navy Manpower Anaysis.
  • Ahn, S., Menichini, A. A., & Tick, S. L, (2019). Retention Analysis Model (RAM) for Manpower and Personnel Analysis.