NPS - Faculty Profiles - Heading
Faculty Profile Directory
PhD - Florida State University 1997
NPS Experience
- 2017 - current: Professor
- 2008 - 2017: Associate Professor
- 2004 - 2008: Assistant Professor
Other Experience
- 2000 - 2004 Research Scientist, EAPS, MIT
- 1997 - 2000 Post-doctoral Fellow, FSU
Research Interests
Double diffusive convection
Dynamics of mesoscale jets and vortices
Dynamics of turbulent wakes
Dynamics of mesoscale jets and vortices
Dynamics of turbulent wakes
Teaching Interests
General Circulation of the Ocean
Waves and Instabilities
Air-Ocean Fluid Dynamics
Waves and Instabilities
Air-Ocean Fluid Dynamics
- 2011 - Allen Griffin Award for Excellence in Teaching, Monterey County Foundation
- 2010 - Schieffelin Award for Excellence in Teaching, Naval Postgraduate School
- 2008 - Merit Award for Research, GSEAS, NPS
- 2006 - Faculty Early Career Development Award, National Science Foundation
Boards, Memberships, & Certifications
Professional Memberships
- Member, American Geophysical Union
Scholarly Work
- Journal Articles
- Sutyrin, G., Radko, T., & Nycander, J, (2021). Steady radiating baroclinic vortices in vertically sheared flows. Physics of Fluids, (33), 031705.
- Sutyrin, G., & Radko, T, (2021). Why the most long-lived oceanic vortices are found in the subtropical westward flows. Ocean Modelling, (161), 101782.
- Radko, T, (2020). Control of baroclinic instability by submesoscale topography. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (882), A14.
- Lewis, D. R., & Radko, T, (2020). On the structure and patterns of von Karman vortices in two-dimensional high Reynolds number flows. Physics of Fluids, (32), 116601.
- Radko, T, (2020). Rectilinear propagation of quasi-monopolar vorticity patches. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (904), A22.
- Radko, T, (2020). Suppression of internal waves by thermohaline staircases. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (902), A14.
- Brown, J. M., Gulliver, L. T., & Radko, T, (2019). Effects of topography and orientation on the nonlinear equilibration of baroclinic instability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, (124), 6720--6734.
- Brown, J. M., & Radko, T, (2019). Initiation of diffusive layering by time-dependent shear. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (858), 588--608.
- Radko, T, (2019). Instabilities of a Time-Dependent Shear Flow. Journal of Physical Oceanography, (49), 2377--2392.
- Sutyrin, G., & Radko, T, (2019). On the peripheral intensification of two-dimensional vortices in smaller-scale randomly forcing flow. Physics of Fluids, (31), 101701.
- Radko, T., & Lewis, D. H, (2019). The age of a wake. Physics of Fluids, (31), 076601.
- Danieletto, M., Brown, J. M., & Radko, T, (2019). The immortal science of dead water: Effects of internal wave drag on propagating submerged bodies. J. Oceanogr. Mar. Res., (7), 191.
- Radko, T, (2019). Thermohaline-shear instability. Geophysical Research Letters, (46), 822--832.
- Radko, T., & Lorfeld, D, (2018). Effects of weak planetary rotation on the stability and dynamics of internal stratified jets. Physics of Fluids, (30), 096602.
- Radko, T., & Sisti, C, (2017). Life and demise of intra-thermocline mesoscale vortices. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 12(47), 3087--3103.
- Moody, Z. E., Merriam, C. J., Radko, T., & Joseph, J. E, (2017). On the structure and dynamics of stratified wakes generated by submerged propagating objects. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2(10), 191--204.
- Radko, T., & Kamenkovich, I, (2017). On the topographic modulation of large-scale eddying flows. Journal of Physical Oceanography, (47), 2157--2172.
- Sutyrin, G., & Radko, T, (2017). The fate of pancake vortices. Physics of Fluids, 3(29), 031701.
- Radko, T., & Edwards, E, (2016). Diapycnal Velocity in the Double-Diffusive Thermocline. Fluids, 3(1), 25.
- Radko, T, (2016). On the generation of large-scale eddy-driven patterns: the average eddy model. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (809), 316--344.
- Sutyrin, G., & Radko, T, (2016). Stabilization of isolated vortices in a rotating stratified fluid. Fluids, 3(1), 26.
- Radko, T., & Reeder, B, (2016). Stratified wakes induced by submerged propagating objects: detection using USVs and UUVs.
- Radko, T, (2016). Thermohaline layering in dynamically and diffusively stable shear flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (805), 147--170.
- Radko, T., Ball, J., Colosi, J. A., & Flanagan, J, (2015). Double-diffusive convection in a stochastic shear. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 12(45), 3155--3167.
- Radko, T, (2014). Applicability and failure of the flux-gradient laws in double-diffusive convection. Journal of fluid mechanics, (750), 33.
- Radko, T., Flanagan, J., Stellmach, S., & Timmermans, M, (2014). Double-diffusive recipes. Part II: Layer-merging events. Journal of physical oceanography, 5(44), 1285--1305.
- Flanagan, J. D., Radko, T., Shaw, W. J., & Stanton, T. P, (2014). Dynamic and double-diffusive instabilities in a weak pycnocline. Part II: Direct numerical simulations and flux laws. Journal of physical oceanography, 8(44), 1992--2012.
- Radko, T., Peixoto de Carvalho, D, & Flanagan, J, (2014). Nonlinear equilibration of baroclinic instability: The growth rate balance model. Journal of physical oceanography, 7(44), 1919--1940.
- Flanagan, J. D., Lefler, A. S., & Radko, T, (2013). Heat transport through diffusive interfaces. Geophysical Research Letters, 10(40), 2466--2470.
- Han, M., Kamenkovich, I., Radko, T., & Johns, W. E, (2013). Relationship between air--sea density flux and isopycnal meridional overturning circulation in a warming climate. Journal of climate, 8(26), 2683--2699.
- Radko, T., & Smith, D. M, (2012). Equilibrium transport in double-diffusive convection. Journal of fluid mechanics, (692), 5.
- Traxler, A., Stellmach, S., Garaud, P., Radko, T., & Brummell, N, (2011). Dynamics of fingering convection. Part 1 Small-scale fluxes and large-scale instabilities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (677), 530--553.
- Stellmach, S., Traxler, A., Garaud, P., Brummell, N., & Radko, T, (2011). Dynamics of fingering convection. Part 2 The formation of thermohaline staircases. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (677), 554--571.
- Radko, T, (2011). Eddy viscosity and diffusivity in the modon-sea model. Journal of Marine Research, 4-5(69), 723--752.
- Radko, T., & Stern, M. E, (2011). Finescale instabilities of the double-diffusive shear flow. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 3(41), 571--585.
- Radko, T, (2011). Mechanics of thermohaline interleaving: beyond the empirical flux laws. Journal of fluid mechanics, (675), 117.
- Radko, T, (2011). On the generation of large-scale structures in a homogeneous eddy field. Journal of fluid mechanics, (668), 76--99.
- Kamenkovich, I., & Radko, T, (2011). Role of the Southern Ocean in setting the Atlantic stratification and meridional overturning circulation. Journal of Marine Research, 2-3(69), 277--308.
- Radko, T, (2010). Equilibration of weakly nonlinear salt fingers. J. Fluid Mech, (645), 121--143.
- Radko, T., & Kamenkovich, I, (2010). Semi-adiabatic model of the deep stratification and meridional overturning. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 4(41), 757--780.
- Radko, T., Kamenkovich, I., & Dare, P, (2008). Inferring the pattern of the oceanic meridional transport from the air--sea density flux. Journal of physical oceanography, 12(38), 2722--2738.
- Radko, T, (2008). Long-range interaction and elastic collisions of isolated vortices. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (610), 285.
- Radko, T, (2008). The double-diffusive modon. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (609), 59.
- Radko, T, (2007). A mechanism for establishment and maintenance of the meridional overturning in the upper ocean. Journal of Marine Research, 1(65), 85--116.
- Radko, T, (2007). Mechanics of merging events for a series of layers in a stratified turbulent fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (577), 251.
- Marshall, J., & Radko, T, (2006). A model of the upper branch of the meridional overturning of the Southern Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 2-4(70), 331--345.
- Radko, T., & Marshall, J, (2006). The Antarctic circumpolar current in three dimensions. Journal of physical oceanography, 4(36), 651--669.
- Radko, T, (2005). Analytical solutions for the ACC and its overturning circulation. Journal of Marine Research, 6(63), 1041--1055.
- Radko, T, (2005). What determines the thickness of layers in a thermohaline staircase? Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (523), 79.
- Radko, T., & Marshall, J, (2004). Eddy-induced diapycnal fluxes and their role in the maintenance of the thermocline. Journal of physical oceanography, 2(34), 372--383.
- Radko, T., & Marshall, J, (2004). The leaky thermocline. Journal of physical oceanography, 7(34), 1648--1662.
- Radko, T, (2003). A mechanism for layer formation in a double-diffusive fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (497), 365.
- Radko, T., & Marshall, J, (2003). Equilibration of a warm pumped lens on a $\beta$ plane. Journal of physical oceanography, 4(33), 885--899.
- Marshall, J., & Radko, T, (2003). Residual-mean solutions for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and its associated overturning circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 11(33), 2341--2354.
- Stern, M. E., Radko, T., & Simeonov, J, (2001). Salt fingers in an unbounded thermocline. Journal of marine research, 3(59), 355--390.
- Radko, T., & other, (2001). Ship waves in a stratified fluid. Journal of ship research, 1(45), 1--12.
- Radko, T., & Stern, M. E, (2000). Finite-amplitude salt fingers in a vertically bounded layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (425), 133--160.
- Radko, T, (2000). Models of propagating oceanic eddies. Recent research developments in physical oceanography, (1), 1--33.
- Radko, T., & Stern, M. E, (2000). Self-propagating eddies on the stratified f plane. Journal of physical oceanography, 12(30), 3134--3144.
- Radko, T., & Stern, M. E, (1999). On the propagation of oceanic mesoscale vortices. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (380), 39--57.
- Radko, T., & Stern, M. E, (1999). Salt fingers in three dimensions. Journal of marine research, 3(57), 471--502.
- Stern, M. E., & Radko, T, (1998). Maintaining the inshore shear of continental boundary currents. Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans, 1-4(27), 661--678.
- Stern, M. E., & Radko, T, (1998). The salt finger amplitude in unbounded TS gradient layers. Journal of marine research, 1(56), 157--196.
- Stern, M. E., & Radko, T, (1998). The self-propagating quasi-monopolar vortex. Journal of physical oceanography, 1(28), 22--39.
- Radko, T, (1998). Theoretical studies in mesoscale jets and vortices.
- Other
- Radko, T, (2013). Double-diffusive convection.