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Would you like to share your experience? To contact the CT Stories team, please email us here.

The Combating Terrorism Archives Project (CTAP), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense, aims to collect and archive knowledge on military strategy, operations and tactics in today's wars between nations and networks. The story tellers will be you – both U.S. and international SOF personnel - who have been in the fight.

Collectively, this knowledge will build an archive from which lessons learned and best practices might be gleaned. Capturing and cataloging experiences will prevent valuable insights from being lost from our collective memory and our understanding of this period of conflict. Your extensive experience in planning and executing counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, FID, and other SOF missions (both kinetic and non-kinetic) must be secured for history and future generations. We are currently undertaking audio/video interviews to start building what we hope will be a comprehensive archive.

With the permission of interviewees, a small selection of these ‘CT Stories' will also form part of the ‘Global ECCO' network (Education and Collaboration Community Online), a password-protected online network for CTFP Fellows and other alumni. Interviews are unclassified, in keeping with the desires of the participants, and are being conducted with varying levels of anonymity.

The CTAP research team can be led by you as to what missions you wish to discuss, reflect on, and provide insights from. We are interested in learning about complexities in the political and social context; problems and solutions surrounding intelligence; planning and organization; tactical and operational outcomes as they relate to strategy; and the strategic outcomes of your experiences as you see them. Your country, your units, and you as an individual have faced unique situations. Each of you has developed unique insights in the fight against terrorist networks. We want to capture this knowledge.


The CTAP project has been interviewing international experts and operators who have been involved in the global war on terror. These collected voices constitute a valuable archive from which best practices and lessons-learned can be gleaned

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Listen to leading counterterrorism experts engage in "Ted Talk" style presentations and interviews about various CT related concepts and topics.  

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