Combating Threats Exchange (CTX) Publications

CTX Articles

The Combating Threats Exchange (CTX) is a biannual peer-reviewed online journal whose contributors are the men and women at the frontlines of counterterrorism. We publish firsthand accounts and analysis written by special operations personnel, as well as discussions of policy, trends, and operations written by government officials, researchers, CT professionals, and investigative journalists on five continents.

Read the latest CTX Article

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Read the latest issue of CTX

The Combating Threats Exchange staff are happy to bring you the Spring 2024 edition of CTX. Read the complete issue here
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ECCO Insights

The mission of ECCO Insights is to deliver readers with incisive, up-to-the-minute articles on pressing global issues. Our focus is on providing a platform for timely discussions on matters of immediate relevance across the globe. Recent articles have explored the aftermath of post-war Afghanistan, the complexities surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the intricacies of jus in bello in Palestine, reflecting our commitment to shedding light on the most pertinent topics of our time. Read more.

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CTX Conversations

The Combating Threats Exchange Journal (CTX) is thrilled to announce the launch of CTX Conversations, an engaging series of virtual discussions covering a spectrum of critical topics, including Irregular Warfare, Counterterrorism (CT), East Asian Security, and beyond. Read more.

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Submit Your Work

The mission of CTX is to publish high quality analyses, opinions, and studies on hybrid warfare, special operations, and counterterrorism written by and for military officers, government officials, and security and academic professionals in the international community. We give priority to thoughtful, insightful, and creative work that offers lessons and ideas useful to fellow professionals. Send submissions to Read our submission guidelines.

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