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NPS Leadership Share Life Primers with Summer STEM Interns
U.S. Navy photo by Javier Chagoya

NPS Leadership Share Life Primers with Summer STEM Interns

By Javier Chagoya

NPS Dean of Research Dr. Jeff Paduan, seated right, shares his views on the value of graduate-level research to an audience of 92 summer interns, who met with NPS senior leadership in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Auditorium, June 30. The interns are now working alongside a diverse cadre of NPS faculty through the university's impressive science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) outreach program.

"The model for graduate education that has been developed in the United States is one in which students are integrated into the ongoing research of their faculty mentors. The research program complements classroom teaching," said Paduan.

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Dr. Doug Moses was also in attendance, describing his academic career and personal journey to his current position at NPS as "random."

"The first thing is don't worry if you don't have a plan," Moses said. "This will work itself out as you follow my second suggestion … And that is, whatever endeavor you choose in the road of life, you must do the very best job that you are able to do. This opens up doors unimagined as you go up in life," said Moses.

NPS President retired Vice Adm. Ronald A. Route and Chief of Staff Capt. Anthony Parisi both imparted enlightening advice on their careers and choices, and the importance of continuing education beyond the papered degree.

Intern Rhys Leahy of American University in Washington, D.C., is a student in the international relations curriculum. She says that regardless of her current pursuits, she's discovered further career possibilities in the month as an intern at NPS.

"Coming into a STEM internship as an international relations student has given me a wide angle lens on how science and engineering can be applied to most issues," said Leahy. "At NPS, I'm working on a project on cyberwarfare and U.S.-Russia relations, so my background has helped me analyze the conflict, and the faculty, students and resources at NPS helped me develop a nuanced understanding of cybersecurity."

Leahy intends on including more math and physics in her schedule upon her return to American University. Her goal is to work in a federal agency and to fuse her passion for science with her regional knowledge of Eastern Europe, with an eye towards eventual diplomatic work.

"I'm particularly interested in how people interact with technology, and, after [observing] the Navy's #HacktheSky Hackathon Event, I want to learn more about user interface design," she said.

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