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NPS STEM Interns Showcase Their Research
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Victoria Ochoa

NPS STEM Interns Showcase Their Research

By MC2 Victoria Ochoa

Thirty-five Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP) and Hartnell College interns participated in an 8-10 week summer internship at NPS designed to immerse high-achieving high school and college students into an experience that puts their book learning into practice. Interns had the opportunity to present the results of their efforts during the first STEM Research Showcase outside Glasgow Hall, July 28.

"The United States has recognized there will be an imminent decline of scientific and engineering professionals," said NPS STEM Internship Coordinator Alison Kerr. "The Department of the Navy understands this current reality, and has put together several programs to help our current scientists and engineers pass down their knowledge to inspired young students."

Interns come from a variety of backgrounds … Some are high-achieving high school students, others are university and graduate students, and some students are the first in their respective families to attend college, or to even be a U.S. citizen.

"Working hands-on with our world-class faculty and military students provides exposure to real world, naval research," said Kerr. "NPS faculty and military students that work with these young people understand the value of sharing knowledge with the next generation's workforce … And [they also] see the benefit that these young students bring to their work. Interns have been co-authors of peer-reviewed articles, contribute to our military student theses, and have earned conference awards for the work they did while at NPS."

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