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Homeland Defense Professionals Share Lessons Learned at APEX Conference
U.S. Navy photo by Javier Chagoya

Homeland Defense Professionals Share Lessons Learned at APEX Conference

By Brian Seals, CHDS

NPS' Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) held its Annual Professional and Educational Exchange (APEX), March 4-5, reuniting alumni for two days of workshops and agency updates at the McNitt Ballroom on campus. Environmental and sustainability expert James Tindall, pictured above, was one of the event's speakers, discussing the scarcity of certain resources, particularly water, and the potential security implications of it.

"Global water supply is linked to almost all aspects of society. And, a limited supply eventually leads to civil unrest, which homeland security professionals will be called upon to quell," explained Tindall. "You haven't seen angry people until you see them hungry and dirty."

Boston Police Commissioner William Evans, a graduate of CHDS' Executive Leaders Program, and CHDS alumnus Dallas Police Department Major Stephen Geron, presented strategies for engaging the public during protests, such as the Occupy Movement of 2012.

"In many cases, approaching a crowd of protesters with a soft engagement approach is a more effective tactic than deploying SWAT teams," said Evans. "What we took out of the Occupy Movement was that the hard tactics and militaristic approach didn't work. The key to our success was building relationships with the kids in the camp."

Nearly 200 alumni attended the workshop, providing CHDS graduates with continuing education and increasing their understanding of relevant homeland security issues.

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