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Georgia Tech Researcher Lectures on Robotics Partnership
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Michael Ehrlich

Georgia Tech Researcher Lectures on Robotics Partnership

By MC2 Michael Ehrlich

Professor of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Dr. Ayanna Howard discusses the integration of robotic technology to NPS students and faculty in Halligan Hall, Nov. 23. Howard is working to expand robotic engineering opportunities for Georgia Tech and NPS, based on unique university strengths.

"NPS and Georgia Tech have very different and complimentary skill sets with regards to robotics," said Howard. "At Georgia Tech, we do a lot of fundamental research and not so much operational. While here at NPS the students understand the operation side. So we want to develop new robotic solutions that allow both parties to understand and grow together."

Howard explains how robotic technology previously worked autonomously from users. Now, technology is more and more becoming an extension of the individual, creating uncharted territory for designers to consider.

"When you think about robotics in the past you think about robots that operated for people, and the human was a separate entity if only to just turn on and shut down the robot," explained Howard. "We are moving toward a world where robotics are a part of our society, robots are interacting in the same space as individuals."

Howard is developing the "real-world" application of robotics focusing on the interaction between users and robots to enhance this new relationship.

"We are designing robots for these real environments," Howard continued. "So it's not about designing robots to get the military personnel out of the way – it's designing so we can have complimentary strengths between autonomy and manpower."

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